Friday 16 September 2016

Literacy Homework due Friday, 23rd September

Literacy Homework due Friday, 23rd September

Mystery Stories

Have a look at the setting above and imagine you are there. Write the introduction to a mystery story, using between 50 and 100 words. Think about describing the SENSES in your opening. What could you see, hear, smell? What did you touch and how did you feel? 

Click the comments button under here to add your comment. Remember that it will say 'sent for moderation' and will disappear but once your teacher has published it then it will be posted. When posting put your first name only at the top of your work!


  1. Avish

    The Haunted House

    It was raining at the haunted house. It was striking with lighting as well. Everything was black all you could see was lighting everywhere.
    All you could hear was dashing wind and crrr of lighting. I was feeling a little scared.
    I could smell rotten food. The smell was coming from a open window. It was a horrible smell it made me feel sick. I was standing outside and I found a bench with a roof on it. I touched it and sat down on the bench but it was wet from the hailstones. I was now feeling wet, cold and sick. At that moment I was sick. I just wanted to be dry, comfy and hot.

  2. One night I woke up in a strange place. I had no idea were I was, but it was dark and cold. I looked up at mysterious sky and there were thousands of bats. I could hear their wings flapping. It made me shiver. Then I looked down, at the muddy ground and I saw a pair of big yellow eyes. It was an enormous rat. I touched him and I felt wet fur and long, unpleasant tail under my hand. I was petrified! I started to run as fast as I can.
    After some time I reached a top of the mountain and I stood in front of a huge castle. I could smell a rotten fish. It was really nasty but I had to find out where this smell was coming from.

  3. Once upon a time the magic took me at night time to Saturn. It was a cold night, lighting and blustery.I shivered .When I was walking I saw a dark, gloomy castle. There were also sharp, spiky trees. The castle was based on the rocky hill. Suddenly I heard thunders bluster .It made me feel panic-stricken.The thunder was noisy and loud. I could smell smoke coming from the castle. The smoke felt discusting. When I was walking I got off the steep pavement and I sat down and touched a tree. The tree felt rough. When I was there I felt worried and petrified.

  4. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading these short stories based on the picture above! the tension built in each story has given me shivers!

    Excellent work!

  5. One dark night in the haunted house, magic took me to the creepy garden. It was a very hot night and Jack could not imagine any hotter then this he was only a little boy and he did not know what was going on. He was scared and freaked out he knew it must have been a mystery !!! The house started to grow weird plants but they where not plants they where ghost ! He did not know where to sleep so he went to sleep in the garden .!This is the end

  6. one night i saw a misterous house it was a snowy cold night .I shived but a staue glerd at me when i tuned around i saw a hanted house i felt pectrafied i could smel a horirbele smell i felt like secared as zelde was i crept qiuetly

  7. Kian

    I woke up and looked out of my cracked bedrooms window and what I saw scared me so much...Furies thunderstorms!
    I felt lonely in a dark,damp house and heard lots of rats dying from the freezing cold oven.
    I smelt rotten meat coming from the kitchen sink and I felt sick.
    I slipped and touched something cold and soft...

  8. Tom found himself on a rickety island with a rickety mansion. Tom stared at the haunted mansion while a storm smashed on to the ground. Tom heard a zombie’s growl, a skeleton’s clank, a witch’s cackle and a ghost’s laugh. He could smell rotten fishes and apple as well as a dead body. He took step forward. While he was walking through the rocky bath, he felt his body full of thorns that came from the cursed protected trees threw thorns at him .He looked through the window. YICKES! A werewolf, this was tom’s greatest fear its red eyes glimmered like rubies in the dark and its pearly white needle teeth that gnashed out of a red bloody mouth. He started to think how he could find his way, home all of sudden his mum shouting “wake up its school time”.

  9. I was at a scary stormy mansion. The lightning strikes were hitting the mansion and the thunder growled loudly above the grey clouds. The mansion had a huge shadow that it looked like it was midnight. I started to run away from the mansion because I was scared, as I passed the spiky trees I could smell smoke, but then I hit an invisible wall. I felt like I was in a dream. I don't know how I ended up here? I wanted to be warm and asleep in my comfy soft bed at home.

  10. Poison Witch
    The clock struck midnight and the crows started swooping down low and they crowed at me. I placed my hand on the door handle, but suddenly it started to open on its own. It whispered to me "Welcome to Poison Witch!" I gulped. I crept inside and heard the wooden floor creaking silently. First, I shut all the windows however I still heard the thunder swishing across the sky. I looked out of the windows, and all I could see was the narrow trees and branches, that were skinny and naked, dancing from the melody of the wind. My stomach started to rumble just like the terrible thunder outside. I started to search for the kitchen. I smelt something absolutely scrumptious, delicious and tasty and it was like as if it was dragging me to eat it. It was destiny calling! So I thought to myself, I am one step closer to the kitchen. I discovered a mysterious, white door again (that had appeared out of nowhere this time) with a rainbow on it. It opened by itself and I thought the door was the same one as before. My suspicion was precisely correct. Therefore "Hello door, we meet again I see!" I uttered quietly with no interest...

  11. When I opened my eyes I was terrified and shocked. There was a chill in the air and the wind was howling loudly. the lighting flickered on the castle and made the prickly trees look more scary. As I walked towards the castle the bats flew towards me! The castle door suddenly opened making a very loud creaking noise. I went inside to see what was in it...

  12. It was a cold,dark and scary night. The thunder was getting louder and louder and the lightning was becoming more frequent and as the rain started to drop, i ran towards the big house at the top of the hill, to try and find some cover. As i approached the house i saw what looked like a scarecrow hanging from the front door and as i got closer i could smell rotten fish.I was beginning to think i made a mistake coming to this house,
    when suddenly i heard the creaking of a front door and as i turned around,
    i couldn't believe what i saw.............

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Sheza
    I was tired and weary as I came nearly to the top of the steep hill. Meandering my way through, I heard a low howl of the wind and the rumbling of the clouds. I quickened my pace hurriedly to seek shelter in what looked like an old castle. As the lightning flashed through the sky, it lit up the dark and wet landscape. I could see old and mossy walls of the castle. The turrets stood tall like the witches hats. Surely, I should be able to make it safe.
    Suddenly, the rain came pouring down and minutes later, the clouds were spitting hailstones. As the hailstones melted, it became impossible to climb the hill. It was wet, slippery and steep. I caught my foot in a heap of twigs and lost my balance. Before I knew, I was rolling down the hill. I desperately tried to hold onto the rocks and the broken down branched. I managed to grab something that looked like the stump of an old tree. My bruises were burning as rain fell on them. Finally, I gathered myself together and made it up to the top walking along the cobbled path leading up to the castle. I stood, gazing at the dilapidated state of the building. The spooky trees swaying in the wind and the cloud of bats hovered over my head. The place looked haunted and eerie and smelt of age and damp. I shivered as the cold air wrapped my body. Finally, I rapped at the door, my heart beating louder and louder...

  15. I woke up in front of a spooky house.I went inside I looked in the kichen there were kobwebs and spiders in each corner.There were smashed windows and everything was on the floor.I was scared so I went into the living room but before I went I herd a wiches cackle so i was more scared.So i quietly peeked over the corner and there actually was a wich i was so so scared now so i ran upstairs and hid in bed i think the wich is following me...

  16. Once the wind lashed when the terrible storm and when the lightning
    broke trees in half like metal monsters bashing everything in its way. Jack was frequent of horror he was so afraid that when he was running destroyed floor until lightning struck at the floor and then leaped over the hole and landed like a dinosaur. When Jack arrived at the witches’ castle and open door with a loud screech.
    And then he heard a voice and the voice welcome to witches’ castle
    and then he fainted because of the witch.


  17. Ayaan Ali Mohammed20 September 2016 at 22:12

    The Haunted Castle

    One day in my dream I saw a haunted castle. It was a big scary castle. It was raining heavily and the trees were too creepy and waving. It was a dark night I felt scared on hearing a loud thunder. There were millions of bats flying in the dark thundery sky. I even saw lots of scorpions which were coming towards me but I kicked them bravely and they fell in water.
    As I went closer and closer a giant door got opened by itself and I heard a loud scream from the castle. I felt scared but still went in the haunted castle everything was very delicate.
    There weren’t anybody inside except a skeleton and there was a rotten smell of a dead body. I felt sick because of the strong dead body smell. I was feeling very cold and I found a bench to sit, the bench was too cold, I lighted a fire to be comfy and warm, but saw something scary, from the fire a smoky creature was formed, like a ghost, coming to catch me and suddenly my mom woke me up.

  18. Subhan 21 September 2016

    The Haunted Spooky Castle

    Subhan 21 September 2016

    The Haunted Spooky Castle

    Once I was in this spooky castle it was so terrifying.There were skeletons,scorpions,spider webs,pictures of bad things and many more.It stinks because the body of dead skeletons.I was so scared It felt like red blood coming out of my body.There was a phantom sound and a loud scream it nearly burst my ears and it freaked me out.

  19. Abdirahman

    I woke up to a mysterious dark house. I quietly woke and I crept quietly down stairs and went outside. I saw a dark cloud and lighting which made me to be scared.
    all the trees had no leaves and the colour change from green to grey. When I saw no leaves I felt there no life any more.
    In distance I saw a mysterious dark cloud. The dark cloud made me to be more scared I couldn't look it anymore. Also, I could smell rotted fish which made me to become sick.
    I was smelling and had the kind of feeling the there was witches round me and the sound was getting more creepy.
    I ran carefully , very carefully at the top of mountain while I saw running I saw shadow which was chasing all round the mountain .
    I was about to touch tree which was nearby but I couldn't feel the tree anymore because how I fell , smell and touch was changed because of me become more scared.

  20. Once upon a time I was sleeping in my bed. I was having dreams suddenly something woke me up. I looked out of the window. The noise was coming from sky. It was the thunderstorm and tree were shaking. I got scared. I shouted help help !! my parents woke up and turned on the lights and close the window and then we went to sleep again.

  21. Once upon a time I was sleeping in my bed. I was having dreams suddenly something woke me up. I looked out of the window. The noise was coming from sky. It was the thunderstorm and tree were shaking. I got scared. I shouted help help !! my parents woke up and turned on the lights and close the window and then we went to sleep again.

  22. Neha
    One rainy night I was sleeping and as soon as my alarm clock rang it was silent. It was dark and creepy and I also noticed that I was not in my room! I got up frightened, where could I be? I got out of bed looked out of the window. I saw a dark, haunted street and it was early morning. SUDDENLY! A huge black figure crept into my room and it looked like a, ferocious monster.

  23. It was a dark and frosty night but it wasn't a normal night because every time you whisper your most terrifying nightmare you will seem to disappear like a burst balloon. One day when I was doing my homework I was just on my last question when suddenly my mum wasn't there. It seems she has disappeared. It freaked me out and I cried as loud as I ever done before, even the neighbours could hear me. I tried to get her back but she never came.

  24. Damir Pelchar

    A Haunted Castle

    When I woke up, I saw a very scary haunted castle behind me on a rack. I heard thunder booming everywhere , I saw scary trees all around me. It was very cold and wet and I was shivering .
    I walked slowly to the front of the castle and tried to open the massive door. It opened slowly and made a loud creaking was very dark but the Lightning gave it some light. Suddenly I noticed a strange smell of wet rotting eggs. It seemed to be coming from upstairs......I was so scared and start to call my parents. And some how the light in my bedroom was on and my mom came. I was so happy that it was only dream .......
    The End

  25. Armaan
    Once up on a time it was a frightful night because again
    and again a whisper i can see you was heard if you said a single letter your worst nightmare was viewed and you would

  26. I woke up and came down the stairs outside and then I saw a huge black castle and it smelled like rotten eggs.It had smoke around it and it had lightnig around it . It had black doors and black Windows I went in i saw stairs but I went on it and it broke I got heart a bit but I was okay i went out and then I saw grave I felt like I was in a horror story I was terrified I even shivered because it was getting cold I went back in the castle I saw a coat I got and weared it I felt much better I went out again and I saw five dead trees I went in again I went out then couldn't believe my eyes....

    By Soleiman

  27. It was a cold,dark and scary night. The thunder was getting louder and louder and the lightning was becoming more frequent and as the rain started to drop, i ran towards the big house at the top of the hill, to try and find some cover. As i approached the house i saw what looked like a scarecrow hanging from the front door and as i got closer i could smell rotten fish.I was beginning to think i made a mistake coming to this house,
    when suddenly i heard the creaking of a front door and as i turned around,
    i couldn't believe what i saw.............

  28. Once the wind lashed when the terrible storm and when the lightning
    broke trees in half like metal monsters bashing everything in its way. Jack was frequent of horror he was so afraid that when he was running destroyed floor until lightning struck at the floor and then leaped over the hole and landed like a dinosaur. When Jack arrived at the witches’ castle and open door with a loud screech.
    And then he heard a voice and the voice welcome to witches’ castle
    and then he fainted because of the witch. Biyon

  29. The Haunted Castle

    One day in my dream I saw a haunted castle. It was a big scary castle. It was raining heavily and the trees were too creepy and waving. It was a dark night I felt scared on hearing a loud thunder. There were millions of bats flying in the dark thundery sky. I even saw lots of scorpions which were coming towards me but I kicked them bravely and they fell in water.
    As I went closer and closer a giant door got opened by itself and I heard a loud scream from the castle. I felt scared but still went in the haunted castle everything was very delicate.
    There weren’t anybody inside except a skeleton and there was a rotten smell of a dead body. I felt sick because of the strong dead body smell. I was feeling very cold and I found a bench to sit, the bench was too cold, I lighted a fire to be comfy and warm, but saw something scary, from the fire a smoky creature was formed, like a ghost, coming to catch me and suddenly my mom woke me up. Ayaan

  30. Once upon a time I was sleeping in my bed. I was having dreams suddenly something woke me up. I looked out of the window. The noise was coming from sky. It was the thunderstorm and tree were shaking. I got scared. I shouted help help !! my parents woke up and turned on the lights and close the window and then we went to sleep again. Nidhi

  31. Jayden

    My brother and I stared with our mouths wide open at where the directions had taken us. Why would my friend live in a place like this?! It looked creepy like something you'd see in that film Hotel Transylvania. I was having second thoughts about this but my brother shrugged his shoulders,held my shaking hand and pulled me along with him. As we walked up the broken,slippery cobblestone footpath, the smell of chicken and chips wafted through the air and children's laughter through the broken windows,It must be the place where the party was being held. As I got to the door it creaked open and a sticky hairy hand pulled me inside.....

  32. Thunder growled over the gigantic roof of the haunted mansion. Raindrops smashed against the broken window. I felt alone in the dark, spooky and creepy night. As I walked into the mysterious castle I heard a creek and I could smell rotten salmon everywhere. I was frozen with fear, I heard a screech coming from behind me………………

  33. Patrick

    As I crossed through the ivory door, I felt icy wind go down my back and an instant drop of tempreture. At the end of the hallway I saw a shoadow, I decided to walk towards it the closer. I was getting the more nearvous. I felt I couldnt feel my body, was full of fear, but had no choice but keep going. I finally got to the end I could see a figure wearing a long black coat. I keep walking. I reach my hand out to grab its' shoulder but it turned around. I was making eye contact I could see his bloody red hair, his teeth were a yellow as the sun, his face was pale like a pice of paper, his lips started to move and said happy Hallowen

  34. Patrick

    As I crossed through the ivery door, I felt icy wind go down my back and an instant drop of tempreture. At the end of the hallway I saw a shoadow, I decided to walk towards it the closer I was getting the more nearvous I felt I couldnt feel my body, was full of fear, but had no choice but keep going. I finally got to the end I could see a figure wearing a long black coat. I keep walking. I reach my hand out to grab its' shoulder but it turned around. I was making eye contact I could see his bloody red hair, his teeth were a yellow as the sun, his face was pale like a pice of paper, his lips started to move and said "Happy Haloowen"
