Friday 9 December 2016

Blogging homework due Friday, 16th December

Blogging homework due Friday, 16th December
Winter Poetry

Next week we will be reading and writing poetry.

What does winter mean to you? What kind of images come into your head when you think of winter? How does winter make you feel? Read the poem below and see if any pictures,thoughts or feelings come into your head.....

A Winter's Tale

It's winterfall
Read skies are gleaming
Seagulls are flying over
Swans are floating by
Smoking chimney tops
Am I dreaming?
Am I dreaming?
The nights draw in
There's a silky moon up in the sky
Children are fantasising
Grown-ups are standing by
What a super feeling
Am I dreaming?
Am I dreaming?

So quiet and peaceful
Tranquil and blissful
There's a kind of magic in the air
What a truly magnificent view
A breathtaking scene
With the dreams of the world
In the palm of your hand
A cosy fireside chat
A little this, a little that
Sound of merry laughter skipping by
Gentle rain beating on my face
What an extraordinary place!

It's all so beautiful
Like a landscape painting in the sky
Mountains are zooming higher
Little dogs scream and cry
My world is spinning and spinning and spinning
It's unbelievable
Sends me reeling
Am I dreaming?
Am I dreaming?
Oooh, it's bliss


Your task this week is to write a poem about what winter means to you. You can use the poem above, the pictures below and your own ideas to inspire you. Think about what you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch in winter.

I'm looking forward to reading your poems!

Friday 2 December 2016

Literacy homework due 9th December

Literacy homework due Friday, 9th December

Literacy homework due Friday, 9th December

Next week we will be writing a report about a dinosaur. You are not to write the report for homework.

Your task this week is to find out information about a dinosaur of your choice. You must gather information that you can include in your report, such as:

  • where they lived
  • when they lived
  • what they ate
  • what they looked like
  • any interesting or unusual facts
You may find these websites useful. Please ask for a parent's permission before using the internet.

This homework is due in on Friday but the information will be very useful throughout the week so it might be a good idea to do it a bit earlier.