Friday 2 December 2016

Literacy homework due 9th December

Literacy homework due Friday, 9th December

Literacy homework due Friday, 9th December

Next week we will be writing a report about a dinosaur. You are not to write the report for homework.

Your task this week is to find out information about a dinosaur of your choice. You must gather information that you can include in your report, such as:

  • where they lived
  • when they lived
  • what they ate
  • what they looked like
  • any interesting or unusual facts
You may find these websites useful. Please ask for a parent's permission before using the internet.

This homework is due in on Friday but the information will be very useful throughout the week so it might be a good idea to do it a bit earlier.


  1. Dinosorse died in the olden days but too be fair they wornt even elive in these days.Dinosors are really danegerouse they could kill people and other animals or creatures.This animal has long and sharp morlers its fattnes makes the dinosore strong and bold.

  2. Description about Euoplocephalus:

    How long is it? It is 23.00 feet and 7.00 meters its well protected/armored head.
    They lived 70,000,000 years ago and they ate plants.
    The Euoplocephalus was born in Alberta,Montana in North America.
    It had spiky spikes all over their back and tail.
    But at the end of the tail there is a ball with spikes all over it.
    How heavy is the Euoplocephalus? It is 4000,00 pounds and 2000,00 kilograms.

    from Kian

  3. Tyrannosaurus rex

    -T-rex means tyrant lizard, and Rex means King in Latin.
    - It had powerful back legs that let them run up to 20 mph.
    - It was one of the biggest meat eaters.
    - It's teeth were 30 cm long and it's skull was 1 1/2 metres.
    - It's length was up to 12 metres long.
    - It walked on two legs.
    - Small strong arms and to Clawed fingers.
    - It lived 66 million years ago.
    - They lived in Asia, North and South America, Africa and India. Maybe even Australia.


  4. from Biyon T Rex

    1.T Rex is one of the dangares dinasours in the wold.
    2.The dinasour ate hirbivorle dinisors.
    3.The dinasour lived in the cave of the forist.
    4.The dinasur looked like green and red but it looks like grey.
    5.It's one of the bigest dinisour in the wold.
    6.It's best known for eating animals.
    7.WARNING;It can atack you because if you shoot or put fire on it.

  5. Avish

    My report is about Trex - Tyrannosaurus
    Trex lived in Australia.
    It lived 65-67 million years ago.
    It ate other animals and meat because it is a meat eater. It ate Hadrosaurs and Triceratops.
    Trex so big he was 12 meters (40) feet in length and weighed 5 tons.
    It could sprint up to 20mph 32kph.

  6. Ankylosaurs
    • They lived in the late cretaceous period and roughly about 70,000,000 years ago.
    • It lived in North America, Montana and Alberta.
    • It stood 1-2 meters above the ground, it was a slow moving herbivore, and it has sharp spikes on its armoured body.
    • It’s 7 m tall which means it's as big as my classroom.

  7. The Ankylosaurus lived in western north america between 68-66 million years ago,this was known as the cretaceous period.
    They were herbivorous,its wide muzzle was adapted for non-selective low -browse cropping.
    The Ankylosaurus was known as a tank because it has rock solid cervical armour plates on it back.
    The name Ankylosaurus means 'fused lizard'.
    The Ankylosaurus had a massive tail club that it could use to generate a large amount of force, potentially breaking the bones of another dinosaur while defending itself.

  8. Ayesha,
    T Rex,
    The T Rex lived in North America and Asia. They lived around 65 to 70 million years ago. T Rex is biggest meat eaters. T Rex had powerful legs, flexible neck, tiny armas, powerful jaws with huge teeth and tale. T Rex means Tyrant Lizard. T Rex tooth found 12 inches long. They could sprint up to 20 mph. The T Rex had large brain for a dinosaur.

  9. This Late Jurassic Sauropod thrived on a time when the Earth's warm temperature encouraged rapid plant growth. It needed a lot of food to keep it alive. Using rake-like teeth , this animal could have stripped an area of any vegetation very quickly, especially considering there is evidence they traveled in herds. Diplodocus' tail was about 45 feet(14m)long, which is one of the longest tails of any animal to have ever walked the Earth. Like most Sauropods, Diplodocus' nostrils were actually high up on its forehead instead of at the end of its snout. A recently discovered fossil of a skin impression suggests that this animal had spines along its neck. The name Diplodocus means Double Beam. The Humongous Diplodocus was 90.00 feet 27.00m. Its body weighed 27000.00 pounds 14000.00 kilograms. The starving Diplodocus ate plants and leaves from trees with its long neck. It lived in Colorado, North America and Wyoming for 150,000,000 years ago.

  10. About Stegosaurus

    Where they lived?
    The Stegosaurus dinosaur lived in what is now western North America.

    When they lived?
    They lived 150,000,000 years ago.

    What did they eat?
    They were herbivores, so they ate plants like mosses and ferns.

    What they looked like?
    The Stegosaurus as a quadrupedal dinosaur with a long, spiked tail, a small skull and a series of large, triangular plates covering its arched back. Stegosaurus grew as long as 30 feet.

    Interesting fact
    They are one of the dumbest dinosaurs. There brain is the size of a walnut shell. The word stegosaurus means roofed lizard. They had plates on their back which ran from their neck to their bottom.

    By Neha

  11. Tyrannosaurus Rex ( T-rex )

    1.Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in North America, Asia and Australia.
    2.Tyrannosaurus Rex lived 170 million years ago during the mid-Jurassic.
    3.Tyrannosaurus Rex primarily ate herbivorous dinosaurs including Edmontosaurus and Triceratops.
    4.Tyrannosaurus Rex walked primarily walked on two legs which were longer then the front pair it had a big stumach and a long tail and had skin.
    5.Tyrannosaurus rex could run, with estimates ranging from as low as 17kph (11mph) to as high as 70kph (43mph).
    Tyrannosaurus rex measured up to 13m (42ft) in length, 4m (13ft) at the hip and could weigh up to 7 tons.
    by Patrick

  12. The T-Rex
    He was found in Canada and USA.
    They lived 65 to 70 millions of years ago.
    The T-Rex was a preditor and he used a good sense of smell to find other large animals.
    Their length was up to 12 meters where just skull was over 1.5 m long. He had a very strong back legs and long tail. T-Rex could run up to 32 kph.
    Its powerful jaw had 60 teeth, each one up to 20 cm long and its bite was around 3 times as powerful than that of a lion.
    T-Rex was one of the biggest dinosaurs - he could weight up to 7 tons (7000 kg).


  13. Triceratops
    1. They lived in North America.
    2.They lived 61-67 million years ago ( late Cretaceous).
    3.They were herbivorous and ate plants like tough palm fronds.
    4.They had great pieces of bone over their bodies to protect themselves from their enemies. The Triceratops had a parrot-like beak, 3 horns and a large frill that could reach nearly 1 meter across.
    5.The triceratops skull is one of the largest and most striking of any land animals.

  14. Tyrannosaurus Rex ( T-rex )

    1.Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in North America, Asia and Australia.
    2.Tyrannosaurus Rex lived 170 million years ago during the mid-Jurassic.
    3.Tyrannosaurus Rex primarily ate herbivorous dinosaurs including Edmontosaurus and Triceratops.
    4.Tyrannosaurus Rex walked primarily walked on two legs which were longer then the front pair it had a big stumach and a long tail and had skin.
    5.Tyrannosaurus rex could run, with estimates ranging from as low as 17kph (11mph) to as high as 70kph (43mph).
    Tyrannosaurus rex measured up to 13m (42ft) in length, 4m (13ft) at the hip and could weigh up to 7 tons.
    by Patrick
