Friday 5 May 2017

Year 3 Homework due Friday, 12th May

Year 3 Homework due Friday, 12th May
We want to find out all about YOU! Your homework for this week is to make notes about you and your life so far. You may have to ask family members to tell you about what you were like when you were smaller. Do your best to get as much information as you can. You DO NOT have to answer all of these questions, they are just there to guide you. Please complete your notes on paper and bring them to school on Friday.
Birth – 4 years old:
1)   Where and when were you born?
2)   What did you weigh and what did you look like at birth?
3)   Did you have (or get) any older or younger siblings?
4)   When did you learn to walk?
5)   What was your favourite toy/game?
6)   What were you scared of?
7)   What was your first word?
8)   Were there any big/interesting events like moving house, travelling to different countries or getting a pet?
9)   Are there any funny stories from this time of your life?
10)What is your earliest memory?
Starting school – end of Year 2:
1)   When and where did you start school?
2)   What do you remember from your first day/week?
3)   Who were your friends?
4)   What was your favourite thing to do at school?
5)   Did you go on any exciting trips or visits with school or family?
6)   Were there any big/interesting events like moving house, travelling to different countries or getting a pet?
7)   Are there any funny stories from this time of your life?

Year 3 and life now:
1)   Who are your friends now?
2)   What are your hobbies?
3)   What are your favourite subjects at school?
4)   What are your favourite foods?
5)   What has been the best day of your year so far? Describe it.

6)   What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

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