Monday 31 October 2016

Homework for Monday 7th October!

As explained in class, Due to Technical difficulties I am only just being able to post the homework!
Don't worry you have until Monday!

This Half Term, we will be learning about the home life of the Ancient Greeks: what they wore, what they ate, what their homes were like, the kind of jobs they did and the religion that they practised.

To get you started, we would like you to find out about the Ancient Greeks gods and goddesses. A good website to start you off can be found here:

The gods and goddesses were believed to be responsible for different aspects of Ancient Greek life. Can you find one that has a link to your life, hobbies and interests? For example, if you like swimming, water sports or lazing on a beautiful beach, then you might like Poseidon, the God of the Sea.

Your task is to choose your favourite god or goddess and write them a letter telling them what you like about them and describing their best qualities and powers. You could try to use some exciting adjectives and sensational similes. It might be a good idea to ask them some interesting questions too!

I absolutely love all things Ancient Greek and Roman and I hope you will too!

I can't wait to see what you find out!

Thursday 13 October 2016

Literacy homework: 13/10/2016

Next week we will be writing a letter to Buckingham Palace to ask if we are allowed to go and visit! Therefore your task this week is to do some research into Buckingham Palace and come up with five pieces of information or questions that you might want to include in your letter. Please do not write the letter. We will be doing this in class.Image result for buckingham palace

We will be using this information in lessons so you may find it easier to do this work on paper. 
Therefore although due on Friday - the sooner you can do it the better!
This means you can have it with you at your desk while you are writing.
 Please ask for paper if you need it.

Friday 7 October 2016

Extra Computing on Scratch (optional)
If you would like to do some extra work or have a play around on computing and using the program Scratch then you can use this link:

To save anything you will have to make a free account so please check with your parents what they are happy for you to do this - but remember to never put personal information on the internet!

You could maybe try and make a ninja cat who runs across the ceiling!

 Happy Scratch-ing!

Mr Openshaw

Friday, 7 October 2016

Literacy Homework due Friday, 14th October 2016

We have received another letter from Bebop the alien!

As you remember, he is my friend and has asked for a lot of details to share with his family back home! I need help to think of things to put in the letter! 

 Please could you write your own response to the letter on the blog. this would help me greatly! Bebop would like you to tell him all about your daily routine here on Earth. What sort of things do you like doing? Remember to write in chronological (time) order and to use your time adverbials (Firstly, later, then, next, afterwards, soon, meanwhile, whilst, a short while later, etc)

Dear Children,
My name is Bebop and I am from the planet Boogie.
Boogie Land seems very different from your planet! Let me run you through a typical day on Boogie Land. Firstly, we are woken up at 6am by a bright green laser that flashes into our bedrooms. After that, we attach ourselves to the electronic recharger for five minutes so that we have energy for the day. A little while later, we wash ourselves with Boogie Cleaning Fluid and an old rag. Sometimes, if we feel a bit creaky, we have to oil our joints. We always feel as good as new afterwards! Next, we hop onto our spaceships and get to work fixing stars and planets. We don't stop until the evening. Finally, at 7pm, we leap aboard our sleeping stations and drift away into the land of nod.
 I like it here but I am getting a bit bored. I want to travel the world and see other planets. I keep looking at your planet on the internet and it looks great. Tell me more about it please. I want to know what you do each day. What do you eat and how do you get around?
Please write back, who knows I might come and visit one day!
Bebop a Lula

Saturday 1 October 2016

Literacy homework due Friday, 7th October

Literacy homework due Friday, 7th October

For homework this week, I would like you to post six super sentences containing suspense. 
When writing your sentences, remember to include the following techniques used in class:
  • Short sentences to build up tension
  • Ellipsis (…) to create the ‘what happens next?’ moment
  • SHOW how the character felt (His heart pounded, sweat poured from his face.)
  • Similes
  • Dramatic openers (At that moment.....)
  • Use the senses to describe, particularly SOUNDS!
You may use the following short openers as a starting point:
  1. Dougal spotted
  2. Dougal was sleeping
  3. In the distance…
  4. Dougal turned around…
  5. Dougal opened the door
  6. Cautiously, Dougal crept inside
Alternatively, you may wish to create suspense sentences about a completely different adventure!  I'm already looking forward to reading your work.