Monday 31 October 2016

Homework for Monday 7th October!

As explained in class, Due to Technical difficulties I am only just being able to post the homework!
Don't worry you have until Monday!

This Half Term, we will be learning about the home life of the Ancient Greeks: what they wore, what they ate, what their homes were like, the kind of jobs they did and the religion that they practised.

To get you started, we would like you to find out about the Ancient Greeks gods and goddesses. A good website to start you off can be found here:

The gods and goddesses were believed to be responsible for different aspects of Ancient Greek life. Can you find one that has a link to your life, hobbies and interests? For example, if you like swimming, water sports or lazing on a beautiful beach, then you might like Poseidon, the God of the Sea.

Your task is to choose your favourite god or goddess and write them a letter telling them what you like about them and describing their best qualities and powers. You could try to use some exciting adjectives and sensational similes. It might be a good idea to ask them some interesting questions too!

I absolutely love all things Ancient Greek and Roman and I hope you will too!

I can't wait to see what you find out!


  1. One a time there was a legend called Hephaestus he had a gigantic hammer. I wonder why he had a hammer? He has light brown hair and Hephaestus had shoe’s looking like cast’s. He looked like a very happy man he has a wonderful smile on his face. I wonder why he had a smile on his face all the time? Maybe he always had a smile on his face because he was happy do be a legend .It also looked like he was wearing a dress on one side you could see half of his body on the other side you can not see his body.Rayyan

    1. Rayyan, think about the layout of your letter and how a letter is different to a story!

  2. Dear poseidon/
    I like you beacause you rule the sea. I like swming beacause i sawam in a wava. You are coll by using that three pointed spear called the trident . I cannot belive how it can start eathqake? Are you actulally calm or stomey ? Ho did you beacome a god ? How did zeus beacome a god ? How can horse and a snake swim under water

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A good short letter Abdirahman! How do we finish a letter?
      Think ADDYN.
      Also, what do we use after the dear?

  3. 1 November 2016
    Dear Zeus,
    The reason that I am writing to you is to tell you that you are fascinating me and I decided that you are my favourite Greek god. Basically, I admire you.

    I like your spectacular depict. It is as regal in control and strength, your collaboration with mortals and immortals and your terrific lightning bolt especially when you throw your lightning bolt like a spear to summon lightning. However I am wondering why some other gods are rebelling against you?

    Yours sincerely,

    1. A well thought through letter! If you use 'However' at the start of a sentence it should be followed by a comma.

  4. Poseidon
    Ancient Greeks

    Tuesday 1st November 2016

    Dear Poseidon

    I hope that your doing well with controlling the sea. I would like you to answer some questions. Is it possible to do something with the dangerous things in the sea so we can swim safely in the sea?. If you could control the weather, can you stop storms from coming so we can swim in a great weather?
    I know you are powerful but can you not do any more earthquakes?They are destroying great places around the world.

    from Julia

    1. Some great questions in your letter Julia!
      Only use a question mark, exclamation mark or full stop at the end of a sentence. Never use two or more of them on the same line!

  5. 23
    Hall Road

    Wednesday 2nd November 2016

    Dear Hera,

    I am writing to inform you that you are the loveliest women I have ever seen. I know lots of things about you. Your roman name is Juno and your parents are called Cronus and Rhea. You were beautiful and graceful as a ballerina although you were a little bit bossy and stern. You had 2 sons named Ares and Hephaetus and a daughter named Lythia who was the god of childbirth. You were the queen of gods, protecter of women and goddess of calendar year. That is all I know about you. I will ask you 5 questions. My first question is what do you wear, what do you eat, what your home is like, what your jobs are and the religion that you practiced.

    Yours sincerely,

    1. Fantastic facts!
      what goes at the end of a question?

    2. A question mark. Thank you Mr Openshaw I will remember next time.Sanchita

  6. Damir

    2 November 2016

    Dear Hermes,
    My name is Damir and I live in the 21st century century. Which century did you come from?
    I know that you were a messenger God and that is legendary because you could run faster then the wind!
    I also read that you were born in a cave. I was born in a hospital in London in 2009.
    Could you let me know why you became a thief? I am a good boy and I do not steal things from people.
    Please could you write back to me.
    Yours sincerely

    1. I am very impressed with your letter Damir! What punctuation goes at the end of 'yours sincerely'?

    2. A comma comes after 'yours sincerely' .
      Thank you Mr Openshaw will remember for next time.

  7. Dear Zeus
    Just by learning about Greek makes me want to visit.By getting lot of information I know that you are the God of the sky.I like you because you are the God off the sky but not only that I like in the sky it can be crimson boundless it is also twilight which is my favourite time of the day or night.All people from Greece know that men wore tunics. The capital of Greece is Athen.In Greece they eat grains,wheat,vegetables,bread,Barley fruit and cake.In Greece boys are known to grow up to be mighty fighters.Here are some Jobs such as farmer and soldier. Here are some questions for me to ask such as in Greece what do girls learn to be? How many cities are in Greece? What do you write with? These are the only three questions I was going to ask you.
    Have a good night
    Yours sincerely

    1. A great letter1 be careful when you type as it is very easy to miss out spaces in your words!

    2. Thank you! I will keep that in mind next time.

  8. Dear Zeus,
    You are my favorite greek god, for you incredible strength and good leader skills.
    Zeus the biggest God of them all, I have some question for you.
    First of how was it having brother who were also gods and did they obey you?
    Did you teach the bisds to fly? As you're also the god of the sky.
    What has happened to you and will you reaveal yourself again?

    1. A great beginning to your letter! Think ADDYN to finish your letter!

  9. Dear Zeus,

    I am writing to tell you that your the eye caching god for me and that's why I picked you. you have two brothers and there called Hades and Poseidon. Hades controls the underground and death.Poseidon controls sea earthquake and horses. you are wise and intelligent person.

    You control the wind, rain, thunder and lightning you even threw a thunderbolt. You are kind of bossy to your wife Hera and to your children. You gave laws, justice and mortals.

    your sincerely

    1. A good set of facts in your letter. When listing things you must use a comma. Can you add any questions into your letter?

  10. 56 Helix RD
    RE7 7DG


    Dear Hephaestus
    Yours sincerely


  11. Hounslow
    Great Britain

    Wednesday 2nd November

    Dear Poseidon,

    Soon we will be learning about life of Ancient Greeks. I was reading about the gods and goddesses and I chose you because blue is my favourite colour and You had a blue beard and long blue hair. I think its really interesting, I've never seen anyone with blue hair or beard. You and your two brothers Zeus and Hades were the most important gods of all. You ruled the seas. I love swimming in the sea. Last Summer me and my family drove all the way to a polish seaside. It was a long 20 hours drive. We had a very good time over there but the weather wasn't good enough to swim in your kingdom (the sea). Luckely I could swim and splash in a indoor swimming pool with great, colourful slides. Did you have any slides in your kingdom? I would like to ask you about your three pointed spear called a trident. How often did you have to use it to start earth quakes? I don't think it was nice of you. Earth quakes are dangerous and petrifying. That is probably a reason why you don't get on with other gods and you had trouble finding a city to honor you.
    If you could change a way you could rule the sea I advise you to be more calm not stormy and to create a great world of water slides just like our aqua parks, I am sure you would have a lot of friends and supporters. Other gods, goddesses and mortals would enjoy it as I enjoy every day on the beach or in the aqua park. Think about it.

    Good luck,

    1. A great letter Karol! Can you split it into paragraphs to give it a better structure?

  12. Dear Aphrodite,

    I like the way you dress, it looks very beautiful. Your power is very different than other goddess you can make people and god fall in love. I like doves and swans too. I want to ask you why did you marry Hephaestus? did you enjoy taking part in a beauty contest? what did you do with the apple? I can't wait to hear from you.

    Your sincerely,

    1. A good letter Ayeesha! What should all sentences and questions begin with?

  13. Dear Artemis ,
    You are my favourite goddess because I like
    hunting and you like hunting. I know that you also have 2 different names Selene and Hecate. My favourite name of yours is Selene because it similar to my favourite albanian name Selena. Did you know that I'm half Albanian? Why do you like hunting? I like hunting because it's adventurous and fun .what creatures do you hunt? What creatures do you not like? I admire you for being brave.What clothes did you wear ?I wear my
    school clothes as I hunt at lunchtime at school I hope you respond .
    Yours faithfully ,

    1. A good letter Alyson with some interesting questions. What should all questions and sentences begin with?

  14. Dear Hestia

    I want to tell you that i know about you are famous and helpful.
    i know that Zeus loves you because you are beautiful and you are
    gentle but you are not married. You are the best of the gods.
    I Want to ask you something: How can you do magic?

    1. This is a good beginning to a letter but I have no idea who it belongs too!

    2. Love from Ksenia

  15. Dear Apollo,

    I like you because you killed the Python with your bare hands and you were a great healer.I also like you because you're son of Zeus,you made music and you made poetry, and you were carrying a golden chariot with you all the time. You had a ability to tell the future.One more I know that you were believed always to tell the truth to everyone.Now a question: how do you get an ability and how does it feel to be a Greek god?

    Yours Sincerely,

    1. A great letter Kian! Double check your letter for your capital letters. Also remember when to use 'a' or 'an'. use 'an'if the next word starts with a vowel.

  16. To The Greek Goddess, Aphrodite,
    I like that you represent love and beauty. I also like that you have long and silky hair. I have read that you helped in starting a terrible war. I don‘t think it is your fault. Why do you like doves, sparrows and swans? Is the planet Venus named after you?
    From your admirer, Neha

    1. A great letter! How do you set out a letter? is it all one paragraph or are there lines to separate it?

  17. Anonymous Subhan

    Dear Zeus,

    I am writing to you to say that i like you because you give good laws and you are the god of the sky.You are a good mighty god. You have strength you protect your people.The people in Greece are safe because of you.

    1. A good beginning Subhan! How do you end a letter? Think ADDYN.

  18. Avish

    Dear Hephaestus,

    I like you because you make stuff out of clay, silver, gold, iron and bronze and you are the god of fire. Your symbol is a hammer because you are blacksmith. You are a happy and helpful god. I also like making things from clay and lego.

    Do you make things for the gods every single day?
    Do you get tired making things everyday?
    What is your favourite material to make things from?

    Yours sincerely,

    1. Some great questions in your letter with an excellent layout!
      Do you spell the whole of your name in capital letters?

  19. Dear Athena,

    I think you are a wonderful woman so I am writing to you because I like the qualities you have which are wisdom, courage, inspiration, law and being fair. I am just like you as I like math, art, craft and skills.
    How can you do so many of these amazing things?.

    Yours Sincerely

    1. A good letter Shaina.
      Does a formal letter end with kisses?

    TW3 4QS


    Dear Apollo,

    I want to tell you that I like you because,you are handsome. I know that you like lions and wolves and so I do. You are the God of wisdom,poetry and music. You drove a golden chariot. Did you kill a snake called python. after killing the python with your bare hands bravely, you became the god of prophecy. you were also called the god of light. u are a brave and helpful god.

    before I close my letter I would like to ask you some small questions.

    Firstly, do you brush your teeth and take a bath?
    Secondly,do you sleep?
    Thirdly,do you wear clothes?
    Fourthly,do you go outside for hunting?
    Fifthly last do you love playing footbal?
    And the last question what is your favourite game and food?

    I hope u will soon answer my question's and i wiil waiting for your reply.

    Your's sincerely

    1. An excellent letter Ayaan, does a formal letter have letters instead of words? u instead of you?

  21. Dear Artemis,

    I love that you like to protect wildlife, as I like wildlife too. I also like your blue hair and your blue dress and you look nice with the silver bow and arrow.
    I like that you are the goddess of the moon and having 3 names is cool!
    I have a few questions to ask you.

    Why do you have blue hair?
    What is your favourite colour?
    what made you like small animals?

    Yours sincerely


    1. A fantastic letter Shya, What does all questions and sentences begin with?

  22. Sunday 6th November

    Dear Apollo,

    I thought I'd write you a letter because you and I have some things in common.

    First of all you and I both love music, animals and using a bow and arrow. We both have black hair, and I'm called handsome man by my father. I've read you were a very handsome man too.
    I think I am a very brave boy because I am not scared of many things. I also read that you were brave,as you killed a monster called Python with your bare hands!

    One thing we do not have in common is that I ride a BMX bike, and not a chariot drawn by swans.
    I wonder, do your swans fly you around, or do they pull you along through the water?

    Yours sincerely,

    Jayden Springer

    1. A brilliant letter Jayden. After commas remember to press the space bar! When writing 'I also read that you were brave,as you killed a monster called Python with your bare hands!' brave, as aren't spaced out!

  23. Nidhi

    Dear Athena,

    I would like to inform you that you are the most pretty women i have ever seen. I know about your unusual birth , It was that which had been fascinated me a lot

    You were very good in Art & Craft . The gift of ollive tree is very precious which is very useful in the daily life of people till now

    The City is named after you "Athens" which is the capital and largest city of greece.
    I would like to ask you some questions

    1) What material you like the most?
    2) How do you make paints to colour the drawings?
    3) why do you like owl?

    Please do let me know.I am waiting for your reply

    Your Sincerely

    1. A very good letter Nidhi! Read you sentences aloud to hear if they make sense. There are some sentences that have a missing word or a word too many!

  24. Dear Athena , I like you because you are strong and brave.I hope your doing well with controlling the world.You are strong,strapping and brave.I know your smartly taking care of the world in Ancient Greek'

    1) how did you become a hero?
    2) how do you save people ?
    3) do you have any secret powers ?

    by Enesa
