Friday 7 October 2016

Friday, 7 October 2016

Literacy Homework due Friday, 14th October 2016

We have received another letter from Bebop the alien!

As you remember, he is my friend and has asked for a lot of details to share with his family back home! I need help to think of things to put in the letter! 

 Please could you write your own response to the letter on the blog. this would help me greatly! Bebop would like you to tell him all about your daily routine here on Earth. What sort of things do you like doing? Remember to write in chronological (time) order and to use your time adverbials (Firstly, later, then, next, afterwards, soon, meanwhile, whilst, a short while later, etc)

Dear Children,
My name is Bebop and I am from the planet Boogie.
Boogie Land seems very different from your planet! Let me run you through a typical day on Boogie Land. Firstly, we are woken up at 6am by a bright green laser that flashes into our bedrooms. After that, we attach ourselves to the electronic recharger for five minutes so that we have energy for the day. A little while later, we wash ourselves with Boogie Cleaning Fluid and an old rag. Sometimes, if we feel a bit creaky, we have to oil our joints. We always feel as good as new afterwards! Next, we hop onto our spaceships and get to work fixing stars and planets. We don't stop until the evening. Finally, at 7pm, we leap aboard our sleeping stations and drift away into the land of nod.
 I like it here but I am getting a bit bored. I want to travel the world and see other planets. I keep looking at your planet on the internet and it looks great. Tell me more about it please. I want to know what you do each day. What do you eat and how do you get around?
Please write back, who knows I might come and visit one day!
Bebop a Lula


  1. Dear Bebop
    My name is Abdirahman
    We wake up by a clock 6.00 up to 7.00 . Firstly we brush our the teeth at 6.30. Next we clean our room . After we have breakfast so we can grow back are bones that have been weak .After that we go Into are uninfom. Then we go to work/school. We do the register and then we do handwriting we are joining our letters.A shot time later we do literacy.before maths we have break

    Then we do maths

  2. Dear Bebop,

    This morning I got up from my bed.Then I went to my mum's room to play with my brother.Next I went to watch TV and then I had breakfast and I brushed my teeth with my flashing toothbrush . After I had to get dressed for ballet. Meanwhile my mum did my hair in a beautiful bun because I have to look professional. Then I put my coat on because it was cold. Afterwards we left to catch a bus for ballet school. While we were doing the class register I listened carefully. Later we danced in our rows practicing Twilight Elf. It was a great fun but hard work. Afterwards it was time to go home. When I got home I was playing for a while when my mum was preparing my lunch. A short while later I was doing my homework. I had to finish my homework quickly so I can play later on.I am also supper excited of today because it's my Beauty and the Beast rehearsal.I hope you visit planit Earth.

  3. Planet Earth

    Sunday 9th 0ctober 2016

    Dear Bebop,

    My name is Karol and I am from planet Earth. I am a polish boy but I was born in England.

    You want to know our daily routine, here on Earth.
    I think most of the children will be writing about their week day, so let me run you through my Saturday. Firstly, my Lego alarm clock wakes me up at 6.30am. Then, I run to my parents bedroom to say "good morning" to them and to my little brother. Afterwards, I make my bed. Then, I put my clothes on. Meanwhile, my mummy or daddy prepares breakfast and next, we eat it together. Later, I brush my teeth and I put nicely smelling cream on my face. At 8.30am me and my dad go to pick up my friend Fabian and my dad drives us to polish school. Soon, our session starts and we learn polish history, how to read and write in polish and we play with other polish children. After that, at 12.20 my mum picks me up and we walk home. It is a long walk, it takes about 40 minutes. Then I have lunch and it is usually nice soup. A short while later, I do my home work from English school. Then it is time to play!!! On Saturdays I'm allowed to play football game on Play Station. Soon, if the weather is nice we go to the park, if it is raining we play board games. Afterwards it is time to have a shower. Meanwhile, my mum prepares a dinner and we have it all together. Then I brush my teeth and I pop to my bed to read for half an hour. At last, it is 8.30pm and it,s time to have a nice, long sleep.

    I hope my Saturday's routine sounds interesting to you and you will decide to visit our planet soon.

    Your sincerely,

  4. Damir

    Dear Bebop

    My name is Damir. My parents come from the Ukraine but I was born in London. I am 7 years old and I am in year 3 at school.

    On Thursdays my mum wakes me up in the morning around 8am. I dress up for school and then brush my teeth with my Light Saber toothbrush while my mum makes porridge for breakfast. After that, I put on my shoes and get on my scooter to go to school with my mum and my baby brother.
    Firstly, in class, my teacher does the register. Then, we have classes until 12pm and we have a lunch after that. We have classes again in the afternoon until 3.30pm. I change my clothes for Breakdance club at school. When I finish this, I go straight away to my English tutor at 5pm. Finally, at 6.30pm I go to a club called Extremes where I plays games, listen to stories and drink juice. We finish at about 8pm.

    I am usually quite tired when I get home. Therefore I have dinner and go straight to bed.

    I hope you have enjoyed reading about my busy Thursdays.

    Love, Damir

  5. Dear Bebop,

    Thank you for letting me know about your planet. My planet is very different than yours.
    Firstly, we wake up at 7:00am to get ready for school. I wash my face with soap and brush my teeth. Then I go to my mum's room and she combs my hair very nicely. Afterwards, I change into my school uniform and go downstairs to eat my yummy breakfast. Then I go to school on my scooter with my brother, sister and mum. Meanwhile, I am at school and learning new things, my dad is busy at work and my mum is looking after my baby brother. After school we go home and we change into our mosque clothes, while my mum prepares the food. After mosque we read our school books and the quran. Then we go and have a quick bath whilst our dinner is ready to eat. Once we finished eating it, we have to go and sleep.

  6. Hello Bebop

    My name is Shya

    Everyday my alarm wakes me up at 7am, apart from Saturday and Sunday. When the alarm goes off, I get ready for school, I brush my teeth with a small brush and toothpaste, so I can have a nice smile.
    I then go down stairs with my sister and have breakfast and watch TV. My sister now goes to a big school, so my mum and dad take me to school. I like going to school to learn lots of different things.
    After school I come home and go to martial arts.
    Afterwards I have some food and then do my homework. Only after all that, I can play with my sister.
    Then at 9pm I get tied and go to sleep....then it starts all over again.

    warm regards

  7. Earth
    Dear Bebop,
    I wake my mum and dad up at 7am. I brush my teeth and was my face. Next, I put
    my uniform on and go downstairs and eat my breakfast. Then I’m ready to go to school. School is a place where you learn.
    When I arrive at school, I put my things away and the teacher does the register, I do handwriting in the meanwhile. I do literacy and we go to assembly then break. After break its maths and then lunch and more lessons.
    After school I go home by car. A car is a vehicle with four wheels. When I get home I have my dinner and I play.
    Finally, I go to bed. A bed is a soft comfortable furniture that you sleep in. We sleep so we can be fresh for the next day.
    From Yusuf the Earthling

  8. 38 Harvesters close
    Planet Earth
    72015 3943

    Dear Bebop,

    I hear that you want to know everything us people on Planet Earth. Firstly, I have to be woken up by mum. I get so sleepy that I fall right back to sleep. My mum wakes me up again and says "We going to be late again!" So I step out of bed with a large yawn. ,My mum leaves my school uniform on my bed. I quickly pick it up and wear it. Afterwards, I go to the toilet. Then I brush my teeth with Colgate which I find very shivering. Then I stand in front of my mirror in my bedroom and my mum neatly brushes my hair and ties it up in a ponytail. I wear my white socks and head downstairs. I go inside the shoe cupboard and grab my school shoes. Later, I get myself a bread which I eat all the way to school. Meanwhile, My mum gets ready and comes downstairs. A short while later, We get set to go to school. We walk to school everyday. When we arrived school my mum gave me all my items I need like my bag or water bottle. I put all my things away and stepped inside class. Mr Openshaw(My teacher)had put up some handwriting for us to do in our books. Meanwhile, Mr Openshaw did the register.

    We walk by putting one foot in front of the other and put pressure on that foot and put the other in front of the other. That is called walking. We eat many sorts of food except bricks, houses, cars, poles. We just eat sweets, fruits, vegetables,.

    Hope I have gave you lots of information from me

    Yours sincerely,

  9. Earth


    Dear bebop,

    Hi I’m Nasr-Allah. Every day I go to school to learn. These are the subjects I learn about maths, (multiplication x, division, addition +, subtraction -) science, (brain, plants) history, literacy (English, stories).
    Firstly, I wake up at 7:30am by my mum, brush my teeth and then I dress up and have breakfast.
    Secondly, I go to school by walking or scooter it’s amazing you must try it! If you press a button at the bottom, lights come out of the sides.
    Next I’m at school. The funs just begin but you have to work hard through your day.
    We have break and lunch time, in break we play together and make friends. At lunch the same thing but when the teacher calls your class go in the hall. We eat fruits, vegetables, calcium, proteins, carbohydrates and a little of delicious unhealthy stuff.
    At the end of the day we go home and relax.

    P.S The best thing is our 2 days called weekend! I’ll let you to find out what the weekend is.

  10. Kian

    Dear Bebop

    My name is Kian and i live in a cozy house.Firstly we wake up and go down stairs and eat breakfast afterwords we brush our teeth and then we go out to school next we do handwriting sooner on we do literacy and when we are finished we go
    out for break.In a few mins we line up and then we come in and we go in our guided reading seats and start our work.After that we all get our maths book and go
    to our maths seats and start.

    In a long time its time to clean everything away and then in a few mins we all rush to go out for lunch it is really tasty and the pudding is really really tasty.Whilst lunch has finished sometimes we do topic,scions and more other stuff.
    Finally after all that work we go home.Bebop please come to earth it is a really good planet for you.


  11. Dear Bebob
    My name is Patrick. I wake up at 7 and I am going to toilet wash my theeth and my face. Then Iam going dawn stairs for breakfast.After breakdfast I go to school to learn. I go to school every day on my scooter it is big fan. In school I put my stuff awey and my teacher does the register every day.In school we do maths, handwriting,literacy you need to try this. Then we go out for break.We play together and makes fun. After play time we going fo lunch, we eat friuts sweets, vegetables, meat,rice, chips, cookies.Sweets are the best.Ater lunch we got more lessons. After school Im going home. In my home I eat my dinner and I got my free time so I can play, watch TV, and relax.At the end of the day Im going to sleep to start the new day.

  12. Dear Bebop

    My name is Julia I am polish but I was born in England. Firstly I woke up. I got up and went downstairs and ate my breakfast. I went upstairs again and washed my teeth with some mint toothpaste. I dressed up and gone to school.Firstly I did my handwriting next I did my literacy. Then we had break. After the break we had maths. Then we had lunch. After lunch we had PE for the rest of the day. It was fun. Finally we got ready and went home.
    When I am at home I play, have dinner and do homework.


  13. London

    Dear Bebop,
    I am going to tell you about my routine. First my mummy wakes me up. Then I drink my milk. Next I brush my teeth. Then I change my clothes. Next I eat breakfast. Eventually I go to school. Firstly we do the register. Next we have literacy. Finally we have break. Then we have maths. And at 3:30 it is home time. When I get home I play in the garden, eat dinner and go to sleep.
    From, Neha

  14. Dear Bebop,

    My name is Nidhi. I am Indian living in London.

    London has cold climate all the day did you know that firstly I wake up at 7 am , I brush my teeth and then have a shower ,wear my uniform of school and in meanwhile my mom prepare breakfast for me , then I come downstairs and have my breakfast . In our planet ( earth) their are various vehicle for travelling (car, bus etc). I go school by walking

    My school starts 8.45 am . School is an institute where we learn various subject ( literacy, maths, English) , we do writing and then at 10.30 we have short break for milk and soon get back to our classroom.later at 12:00 pm we have lunch break we eat various food ,fruits and vegetables to get energy.

    At 3.30 school disbursed. After coming from school i relax for some time ,play with my friends soon afterwards I do my students . I have my dinner at 8.30 pm . I read my story book and at 9:00 pm I go to sleep on cosy comfortable bed.

    This is our routine do visit me whenever you come on our planet earth

    I am waiting for reply


    Nidhi Sawant

  15. This morning I woke up at 6oclock.Then I went in the spare bedroom and got changed. Next I went downstairs to the living room and kitchen and ate my breakfast. After that I had some milk and then I brushed my teeth. I, put my coat and shoes on. After that I picked up my book bag and water bottle and walked to school with my mum and dad. When I got there I said goodbye to my mum and dad and gave them a beautiful kiss and hug.

  16. Dear Bebop,
    I hear you're interested in planet Earth, so here's a rundown of my usual day.
    First of all I wake up at 7:15 AM, I go straight to the bathroom and brush my teeth to make them clean and shiny and have a quick shower. I get changed and go downstairs and eat the breakfast my mum has made for me which is usually scrambled eggs and toast with a hot chocolate. By this time it's 8:30 AM and I put my shoes on and ride to school with my dad on my bmx. I start school at 8:45 AM and have classes until 12:10 PM. We have lunch then have classes again until 3:35 PM. I always have an after-school club either football, street dance or martial arts. I get home by 4:45 PM and have a snack while I watch cartoons. I then do homework which is either maths,spellings ,reading or literacy. I then eat dinner with my family and we all talk about what we did at school or work. I then have a nice hot bath with lavender bath salts that help me relax then it's 8:30 PM and time for bed. My mum or dad read me a bedtime story which at the moment is Harry Potter for 20 minutes then time to sleep.
    I hope you found this interesting.

    Yours sincerely Jayden Springer

  17. Dear Bebop
    I went through your interesting recount of your everyday routine. I must say that I found it quite different to mine and a little unusual.
    I would now like to share some information about myself. My name is Sheza and I am 7 years old. I live in London with my brother and a kind mum and dad.
    At 7 am I brush my teeth and wash my face. Next I put my uniform on whilst my mummy makes me my breakfast. Then I bring my pencil case downstairs with me. I quickly gobble up my breakfast. Soon it is time to leave. I put on my shoes, socks and my fluffy coat. I then bring my bag, bottle then leave. My mum drives me to school. Sometimes she drops me of at the school gates. After a while she comes and gives me a tight hug. After that she leaves.
    Reply back.
    By Sheza
