Saturday 1 October 2016

Literacy homework due Friday, 7th October

Literacy homework due Friday, 7th October

For homework this week, I would like you to post six super sentences containing suspense. 
When writing your sentences, remember to include the following techniques used in class:
  • Short sentences to build up tension
  • Ellipsis (…) to create the ‘what happens next?’ moment
  • SHOW how the character felt (His heart pounded, sweat poured from his face.)
  • Similes
  • Dramatic openers (At that moment.....)
  • Use the senses to describe, particularly SOUNDS!
You may use the following short openers as a starting point:
  1. Dougal spotted
  2. Dougal was sleeping
  3. In the distance…
  4. Dougal turned around…
  5. Dougal opened the door
  6. Cautiously, Dougal crept inside
Alternatively, you may wish to create suspense sentences about a completely different adventure!  I'm already looking forward to reading your work.


  1. The myistrious creature was coming closer. I was afraid beacause i i was alone in the darkness .I fantied pecefully . where is this place. in the distance i saw trilon the three heaead lion . zleafha is a monster sqid.

  2. 1. Tom was running in the beautiful, green park.
    2. In the distance he heard a wired, spooky noise.
    3. His heart started to beat fast...
    4. Tom stopped for a minute and he spotted a big owl on top of a tree.
    5. At that moment the owl flew down and sat on Tom's head.
    6. Tom started to run as fast as a running champion trying to get rid of the owl.

  3. Somaya.
    1: Dougal spotted in the distance a wicked witch
    2: Dougal was sleeping on a uncomfortable rough bed.
    3: In the distance there was a petrifying shadow.
    4: Dougal turned around to see a fritning doll .
    5: He opened the door and saw a creepy monster.
    6 He crept inside a haunted house.

  4. In a far far land there lived a rabbit who was hopping with joy. Just then she heard a gloopy gunge monster distorying the beautiful valley. When she saw that, she felt terrified and her paws shaked as strong as a wobbly jelly. She hid behind the dirty wooden shed. Suddenly she heard the gloopy gunge monster scratching the stone walls with it's shiny claws as sharp as a clashing sword.Bewildered rabbit whispered to herself "I'm not sure what to do..."

    1. 1. Turbo lived in a distant tropical land.
      2. He was safe for now.....
      3. Suddenly Turbo ran across the forest in front of the hungry lion.
      4. He ran like lightening.
      5. He pounced running away from danger.
      6. The lion roared loudly scaring everyone in the forest.


  5. Kian

    1. Filley entered the dark,extremely loud jungle.
    2. The smell of the jungle was overpowering like rotten eggs...
    3. Filley felt sick and really wanted to get out of there.
    4. The jungle sounded like trees crashing and animals dying.
    5. At that moment Filley found a spooky house filed with loud ghosts.
    6. Filley heard some tigers growling overhead.

  6. 1. Lily in the corner of her eye she spotted movement.
    2. Lily spotted something...
    3. She saw something green her heart almost sprung out of her mouth!
    4. Lily saw a monster was as green as slime.
    5. Suddenly the monster was turning a bloody red!
    6. Crack crash bang! A colossal tornado smashing on to the earth. Panic!!!

  7. 1:Dougal spotted a mysterious monster sneaking up onto a dreadful dragon
    2:Dougal couldn't snore because he could hear a loud thunder raging across the dark blue night sky.
    3:In the distance, he could see the shadow of a weird werewolf with his sharp and pointy claws scratching on the terrible tarmac and his back bent as low as a mouse.
    4:Dougal swished around and saw his friend's dead body lying their and saw a knife with red blood dripping from the sharp edge.
    5:BANG!A loud knock was at the door. He shivered. He slammed open the door but saw nothing. He called out" Hello. Anyone there?" he stood and thought he was safe...until the manchewer arrived.
    5:Cautiously, he squirmed inside the mysterious, monstrous and mischievous mansion.


  8. Trip was walking along a long cobblestone path, on his way to the park, at that moment he saw a vague silhouette which looked like a creepy, ghastly monster.

    Suddenly, the monster growled. Trip could see two red eyes like thunder………………..

    Trip was shaking like a leaf with fear.

    The monster roared with anger……………..

    As the monster roared Trips eardrum ripped.

  9. 1. Doughal spotted a rectangular shape on a shadow.
    2. He was sleeping as uncomfortable as sitting on a rock.
    3. Doughal saw in the distance a ...
    4. He turned around and saw something creeping.
    5. At that moment Doughal opened the door and saw something running across the room.
    6. He crept inside the creepy room.

  10. As I spotted the frightening house i ran and hid under a rusty old car and saw a ........

    When I looked through the window i saw a big ravenous monstrous beast sprinting on the rain washed pavement.

    In the distance i heard howling which seemed to be getting louder and louder as my feet froze with fear.

    I turned around in church and came face to face with a
    frightening looking woman,who had jet black hair and eyes.

    I heard a knock on the door,when I opened it there no one there but I felt someone brush past me.

    Cautiously I took small steps around a big eerie hole that had appeared over night in my bedroom.

  11. AVISH
    Suddenly Kevin spotted a huge hairy monster with teeth as sharp as knives.
    Kevin felt scared, he was shaking. He didn't know what to do because the monster destroying peoples houses in the village. Loud thrashing noises from the crashing houses, it made Kevin's heart pound. the monster turned and looked at Kevin. He ran away and hid in a bush......

  12. 1. Doughal spotted a weird shape.
    2. He was sleeping on a hard bed and...
    3. He saw in the distance something moving towards him he was shivering.
    4. Doughal turn around and there was a gooey monster behind him.But he wasn't sure what that was but it was as gooey as slime and as green as grass.
    5. suddenly the door opened itself and the rain smashed itself into the house.
    6. The door opened creaking loudly.

  13. Armaan
    Dan opened the door.
    His heart heated faster as a a cheater.
    At that moment... he heard a creepy noise he was as scared as ever

  14. Neha
    1. Dougal was alone in the house.
    2. Dougal was frightened…
    3. Dougal thought that an EVIEL EYE was watching him.
    4. Dougal hid in his bed.
    5. Dougal heard a loud bang at the door.
    6. A dark shadow appeared near the garden shed.

  15. Far, far , faraway there once lived an elephant. when it was walking, it heard a massive noise when he saw a charging bulldozing truck. It tore down trees as it came charging down the road at the elephant. The elephant trumpeted as the truck screeching as the driver pressed the brakes...

  16. As Rayyan lay fast asleep, he was abruptly awoken by a ghastly noise !
    Rayyan was terrified by the strange face looking back at him through the window.
    Rayyan turned around in the distant he saw a creep figure.
    At that moment, Rayyan knew he was not alone he was shocked !
    What was going on ?
    Rayyan heard a very strange noise . What was it ?

  17. subhan

    1.I walking out side THEN BOOM...
    2.I was in the school then I saw a big shadow after i followed it...
    3.In the school I saw a black fing then I followed it...
    4.I was in my garden at night then...

  18. Cirito was alone in a dark creepy forest.
    Cirito fainted by a shadow that was darker than space!
    when he woke he was feeling dizzy and then he saw a greedy warewolf!
    Cirito suddenly turned around, he saw another warewolf about to pounce and eat him with his sharp teeth that looked like daggers.
    He saw a wooden trap door and opened it climbed down a ladder and escaped.
    He crepted cautiously through the sticky spider webs until he reached a burning torch......
    from Callum


  19. By soleiman

    Ralph saw three shadows behind him. At that moment Ralph quickly he turned around as lightnig it was nothing but he herd noises and saw shadows the noises was like bomb Ralph felt terrified and scared so much he couldn't believe what he was seeing.A minute later it started to be windy the wind was as cold as freezer a few moments later I crossed the road I went past I was like few when a second later a hand came on my shoulder....

  20. One day a boy named Sam was walking through a alley.Suddenly he heard a strange noise coming from the bushes.He shivered and looked back.It was a furry monster it was very big.It's teeth jutted out like black panther.He got frightened and screamed for help.But no one came to help...

  21. Patrick
    1. Dougal saw a trian.
    2. A as the train came to a stop dirt and leaves flew out from under the train.
    3. Dougal went to get on the train but missed the platform...
    4. Dougal got up his hart was pounding, his face went pale.
    5. dougal went running to his mom as fast as a cheater.
    6. Suddenly you hear a loud BANG and the alarm comes on.

  22. Emily spotted a strange looking animal
    Emily was sleeping in her beautiful princess bed
    In the distance she heard a scream…
    Emily turned around in fear, her heart was beating fast…
    Emily opened the door and it was her black cat
    Emily laughed and was glad that it was only her cat!

  23. Patrick
    1. Dougal saw a trian.
    2. A as the train came to a stop dirt and leaves flew out from under the train.
    3. Dougal went to get on the train but missed the platform...
    4. Dougal got up his hart was pounding, his face went pale.
    5. dougal went running to his mom as fast as a cheater.
    6. Suddenly you hear a loud BANG and the alarm comes on.

  24. Nidhi

    1. Dougal was sleeping suddenly he heard a bang on his door
    2. Dougal spotted dark around him he got terrified
    3. In the distance Dougal saw massive phyton
    4. Dougal turned around and his teeth shattered had to escape
    5. Than the door opened with prodigious noise
    6. Cautiously dougal crept inside and opened the window and then jumped out and ran away

  25. 1. Dougal spotted a vague shadow, as it came closer it was more difficult to see…
    2. Bewildered by his dream, Dougal tried to carry on sleeping.
    3. At that very moment Dougal heard in the distance, a low howl.
    4. Something tapped him on the shoulder but as he turned around, there was nothing there.
    5. Dougal then turned in a different direction. He opened the door as he heard a howl and this time it wasn’t his imagination.
    6. Cautiously Dougal crept inside the hollow dark room.

  26. 1. Dougal spotted a vague shadow, as it came closer it was more difficult to see…
    2. Bewildered by his dream, Dougal tried to carry on sleeping.
    3. At that very moment Dougal heard in the distance, a low howl.
    4. Something tapped him on the shoulder but as he turned around, there was nothing there.
    5. Dougal then turned in a different direction. He opened the door as he heard a howl and this time it wasn’t his imagination.
    6. Cautiously Dougal crept inside the hollow dark room.

  27. Nidhi,

    1. Dougal was sleeping suddenly he heard a bang on his door
    2. Dougal spotted shadow around him he got terrified
    3. In the distance. Dougal saw a long massive phyton
    4. Dougal turned around and his truth shattered he had to escape
    5. Then the door opened with prodigious noise
    6. Cautiously dougal crept inside and opened the window and then jumped out and ran away
