Friday 18 November 2016

Friday 25th November

Blogging homework due Friday, 25th November

Blogging homework due Friday, 25th November

Use the picture below as inspiration to write a legendary story. It should be no more than 100 words.

Remember to include:
  • correct punctuation and capital letters
  • past tense
  • adverb sentence starters
  • detailed description of character and setting
  • similes
  • a reward
  • speech


  1. One dark morning as the sun started to peep through the clouds, a ferocious dragon stared down upon the brave prince. He was as brave as a warrior and was ready to fight this beastly creature to gain the Princess's hand in marriage. The Prince fought fearlessly as he shouted “you will not defeat me you beast” and lunged towards the dragon with great power and determination. As day broke and all was light the dragon lay still on the ground taking its last fiery breath.

  2. 1. Many years ago there was a miniscule village. There wasn’t much to look at. But there was a dragon who lived near the village. The dragon was a cruel and famished hunter. One day the dragon stole everything in just two nights
    2. Soon for the dragon’s third scavenge there was no one in the houses because everyone was in cave ready to kill the dragon. When the dragon was back. The people killed the dragon


  3. A long time ago, ther was a gigantic palece it was extrimly big.
    After that a big dragon came he skrimed really laud and he can fly really cuicly.
    After that when the dragon saw a man he was ANGRY! but the man was the dragons frend.But the drago dident saw the face.
    If the dragon dosent look at his frend face he wil be very angry that he could panch his frend.
    THAN A ANATHER DRAGON CAME!But tat was a big,fast.
    And autside was very cold and it was rani but the sun was caming oredy the
    dark clauds was leting the sun caming but jast a litle bit was light not that mach.
    And the palace was shining like a golden dimond in the sky.
    After that the dragon EATEN EVERIFING!
    Because he was very HANGRY! But jast uan a masive man was saved after they
    fieted but the man was strong,straping,helfi,fast too and helpuful
    but the man helpt some people because he dident had time
    to help every wan

    Love Ksenia

  4. Brave Greg and horrendous Wivern.

    Many years ago, there was a man called Greg who was as brave as Merida. When he was 32 years old he received a letter from the Spanish Queen asking for help "Please come and rescue Spain from Wivern. If you will manage to do it you will be rewarded and my castle will be yours forever."

    A day later Greg set of to Spain. He arrived to a dark village were a terrifying dragon was chasing a group of frightened people. He wanted to eat them all, one by one.

    At that moment Greg run bravely towards the Wivern and rapidly threw his sward, that hit the dragons head.
    Wivern fallen on the hill with a thump.

    Spanish people were not afraid of dragons anymore.
    Greg got his reward from the Queen of Spain and he lived in a castle happily.

  5. Long, long ago, there was a dragon who lived under the ground. He liked stomping his feet destroying the village.The queen announced "whoever killes the gruesome dragon will get a pair of wings".In the same village there lived a knight.He looked handsome and he was kind.His armour sparkled like a diamond.His horse looked as white as a cloud.So the knight thought that having wings would be great because he could see mountains,trees,villages and rivers, streams and lakes. It would also help him to see any trouble in the village. So the brave knight got his armour, a shiny shield, a sharp sword and some golden arrows. He rushed to grab his beautiful horse.Boldly the knight set off to the battle.It was him versus the terrifying dragon. So he shot a spiky spear but it went past it. Next he slanged his sword and the colossal dragon died.The knight felt proud,happy,cheerful and joyful. As the queen promised he was given the reward.The villagers cheered and they lived happily ever after.

  6. Long long ago, there was a dragon who lived under the ground. He liked stomping his feet and destroying the village. The queen announced "whoever killes the gruesome dragon will get a pair of wings". In the same village there lived a knight. He looked handsome and he was kind. His armour sparkled like a diamond. His horse looked as white as a cloud. So the knight thought that having wings would be great because he could see mountains, trees, villages and rivers, streams and lakes. It would also help him to see any trouble in the village. So the brave knight got his armour, a shiny shield, a sharp sword and some golden arrows. He rushed to grab his beautiful horse. Boldly the knight set off to the battle. It was him versus the terrifying dragon. So he shot a spiky spear but it went past it. Next he slanged his sword and the colossal dragon died. The knight felt proud, happy, cheerful and joyful. As the queen promised he was given the reward. The villagers cheered and they lived happily ever after.

  7. Many years ago there lived a strong and strapping hero called Machamp. One day he saw a poster that said, “Whoever defeats the evil, ugly dragon gets to have 100000 pieces of shiny gold,” so he set of to defeat the dragon .When he got there he saw a massive rock in the middle of the river. The beast appeared on the rock, Machamp blasted his hand out sending it up into the sky and then he bought his hand back down and punched the horrible beast, sending him flying to the other side of the earth. Machamp was rewarded 100000 pieces of gold.
    By Yusuf

  8. Abshir

    once upon a time there was a dragon who lived in a dark, spooky cave as dark as the night sky. He liked eating people and also he likes wrecking old, rusty houses. One day the brave Robin hood saw the ugly dragon who was chasing animals and humans. The brave Robin Hood exclaimed 'stop what you are doing'. The dragon roared as loud as he could. Robin Hood grabbed his sharp, pointy knife as he stabbed the ugly dragon and he poked him in the eye. After everyone in the village cheered happily ever after.

  9. Kian

    Many years ago,there was a manipulative slimy dragon who lived in the under world and his name was Enchanted Snatcher.But up there was a bold,golden man called Kian. Kian saw the manipulative dragon so he quickly rushed to the village and announced: "there is a manipulative, slimy dragon coming in a sec". So everyone quickly grabbed theire enchanted attacking stuff and set off to the diamond mountains.However when they just arrived they saw a sticky slimy as sticky as triple super glue. Kian waited and waited patiently until the manipulative dragon arrives at the mountain.
    Suddenly the dragon appeared from no where and at once it died because it was run out of battery. Everyone cheered and had a party.

  10. Long time ago there mighty dragon named ferno the fire dragon. He was terrorizing the land of France. He stole the king of France. The prince of France ''reward the pair of the golden amour.'' golden man wanted to get this reward. So he called his golden horse a sword ,bow and arrow and a shield headed to the cave where the dragon lived.He saw the poor king and rescued him and sent him to the plushed place. The mighty dragon heard him and attacked him furiously.''I will not give up until you die'' shouted golden man . Golden man got his bow and arrow and shooted it but the dragon knocked it down.Golden man fought bravely to protect his people and himself. shockinly he fell from his horse but did not give up. Insted he rushed at the dragon and stabed him in the wing . The dragon simply died on the spot .The prince of France gave him the reward .

  11. Many many Years ago there was a horrible dragon. The dragon lived in a spooky cave near the village with a bright castle.One day the dragon caught a villager and swallowed him in one piece. After that the villagers were even more scared. Then the Queen did a speech what said "whoever will kill the dragon be rewarded with as much gold as they want". After the Queen said the speech a brave man gone to find the dragon.The man found the cave were the dragon lived and bravely crept into the cave. He took out his bow and stood behind the corner. Then he shoot an arrow at the dragons wing, but arrow snapped. So he shoot again, but on the tail this time. The dragon fell to the ground slowly roaring and died within minutes. Then the man came to the Queen and said "I killed the dragon". Then he was rewarded with lots of gold.


  12. Once upon a time the was a story about a mysterious dragon, who would come out his cave at night and kidnap people from the nearby village. As the newspapers kept coming out the population of the village kept decreasing, poeople were frightened to leave their homes so they moved out all together. The mighty king of the village had to do something about the dragon, so he sent all of his army out to get the dragon and bring him back alive the people of the village helpt out too and together they got the dragon and bought him back to the city where the villagers built a zoo for the dragon and they made peace with the dragon and lived happy after all.

  13. Hundreds years ago, the world was restless. The people were petrified. Emphatically conversation held between ambitious Thor and an Ogre. “Leave my people in peace or run for your life!” Thor demanded. “No, I will find an immortality potion” Ogre howled. The battle continued, all you could hear is the king’s sword clashing like thunder. Finally Ogre found the potion” Mwah ha, I will live forever” Ogre laughed while he grabbed the potion between his wings, widely opened his mouth. Thor shot between the Ogre’s eyes. The potion smashed on the floor, Ogre fell unconsciously. Thor became a new leader.

  14. As Hawkeye finally arrived at the island of shangri-la and headed towards the mystical castle, a mighty dragon appeared from beyond the grey clouds and started breathing fire,as if
    to warn him away. Hawkeye thought of turning back but the thought of getting all that treasure was too much,he knew he had to stay and battle. The battle was ferocious,as the dragon
    tried to protect the castle,but in the end Hawkeye defeated the frightening dragon and went to collect his treasure. As he opened the door to the castle,excited by becoming rich, he heard a gigantic roar.... and there it was,standing right in
    front of him...... To be continued

  15. Once upon a time the was a story about a mysterious dragon, who would come out his cave at night and kidnap people from the nearby village. As the newspapers kept coming out the population of the village kept decreasing, poeople were frightened to leave their homes so they moved out all together. The mighty king of the village had to do something about the dragon, so he sent all of his army out to get the dragon and bring him back alive the people of the village helpt out too and together they got the dragon and bought him back to the city where the villagers built a zoo for the dragon and they made peace with the dragon and lived happy after all.

  16. Avish
    Long ago there lived a dragon called Hemnes. Hemnes is as tough as a piece of metal. He lived in a field where a old abandoned shed was. One day a man called Iria set off to the mountains but Iria saw Hemnes the dragon approaching the village. Iria rushed and hushed to the people in the village to warn them about the dragon Hemnes. Iria shouted as a loud as a wolf could howl, 'Stay in your homes and do not come out because Hemnes the dragon is approaching at us!'. Iria said,
    'don't worry I will kill him'. So he set of to kill Hemnes. He saw Hemnes
    he crept behind him and stabbed him BANG! he fell. They all cheered and
    partied all night.

  17. Long time ago there was a dragon who was locked in a cave for years. The dragon was locked because the people think he is evil and will kill everyone.The dragon had a little friend that always came to visit him. He knew the dragon was not evil but friendly. So one day he decided to free him from the cave but it was hard for him.

  18. Subhan

    Long long ago there lived a ugly,nasty beast it comes at night to steal shiny stuff like jewels and keys also he puts webs all around. Every night the beast steals.The beast is nasty as a burglar.The people got very angry as a gorilla.One day altogether the people came up with a plan.When the nasty beast came at night he saw there was no one there he didn't mind when he went more closer BANG!!!!!! a enormous heavy rock fell right on his disgusting face it was so heavy that the beast fell right on the ground and died.The people cheered they were so happy that they had a big party.

  19. Once upon a time there lived a ferocious dragon called Bulla. He lived in a dark, gloomy cave which was near an old palace. One day Bulla secretly took the princess of India away to his cave. That morning the queen of India searched everywhere for the princess. She couldn’t find her anywhere. So the queen put up a poster which said, “The princess of India has been kidnapped. The knight who will save the princess would get her hand in marriage”. Lots of knights tried to rescue the princess but they all died while fighting the ferocious Bulla.
    One balmy evening a brave knight called George saw the poster. He was determined to find the beautiful princess. He rushed to his castle and started to get ready. First he put his amour on and then picked up his weapons. He set of on his horse called Galahad. As he neared the cave he saw the cowering princess in the far corner of the cave. George rescued her and Galahad galloped away with her to her parents the King and Queen of India. SUDDENLY, the ferocious, fire breathing dragon stomped out of his cave. He roared menacingly at George. They had a vicious battle and George shot a thousand arrows at Bulla, Finally the dragon was killed.
    That day George was rewarded with the princess hand in marriage.
    -----------------THE END---------------------------------

  20. One dim night, a charming lady, Winter was sweeping her dusty cottage, a tempestuous storm was blowing the street. Houses compressed on the floor, dry flaky leaves tumbled along the rickety ground. Winter wasn’t quite definite about the roaring noise so she came out and gazed at the bloodcurdling mythical dragon, his eyes are red as a ruby as well as identical to human’s blood. His immense curved wings were flapping heavily and covered most of the dark shady sky. He tried to grab her shoulder with sharp pointy claws. “Leave me! Let me go” insisted Winter. How will she survive?

  21. By Soleiman

    Many years ago there was a brave man of strongness. His name was called Soleiman. A very bold and muscular. He had a enemy called Medusa. She had snakes as her hair. The snakes were so slimy and gross. She had teeth that were so sharp if you touch it you can die. One day Soleiman went to a Piet forest when suddenly Medusa tried to make me to stone but she missed and it hit the tree I said that was so close". I threw my sword at her and the sword was as quick as a flash to hear head and her head fell of Medusa was dead. Soleiman was rewarded a shiny diamond bigger than his face. Everybody was clapping for him everybody had peace and no more danger was in the town. I said" is this real". I couldn't believe what I was holding it was amazing." Soleiman had the best moment of his life and he said to him self" this can't be real" every had a good time at there homes.

  22. Many years ago there was a village in France where there lived a horrendous Beast.It was really gigantic and horrible.He was fond of eating small children. Everyone were so frightened and scared that they didn't even think about steping out of their houses.
    One day he ate five children.After that he ate fifteen children and became strong and fat.This news spread all over the country.Far away there lived a man called Sam who was tall and strong.As soon as he heard this news he went to the village with his friends to kill the mysterious dragon.he fought with dragon and at last he killed him.
    Everyone were so happy with Sam and praised him.They gave him so many gold coins and pearls.And villagers began to live happy as before.

  23. Once upon a time there lived a boy called Jack. One day he went to a beautiful lake and saw a huge cave, so Jack tiptoed in. When got to the end of the cave, he saw a gigantic and sad dragon. Jack was speechless when he saw it and didn't even move or blink an inch.
    The dragon looked sad like if no-one wanted to play with him, so he stepped up and said "Don't worry I will be your friend."
    But the dragon wanted more friends, so he went to the city to find more friends. But it seemed everybody kept on running away. So he got angrier and angrier until he got so angry that he started knocking down building and people's homes. The dragon even set the Statue of Liberty on fire. He was so angry that he almost stood on people until he saw Jack.
    Jack told him why everybody was running away, so Jack said, " You are scaring everyone when you are knocking down houses and famous buildings. "Jack told the dragon to be calm and told him to explain to everyone what he wanted.
    The dragon said " I am sorry I am scaring you, but now I know why you are scared of me. All I wanted was just some more friends".
    Instead of just a few people wanting to be his friend, everyone wanted to be his friend forever.
    So the dragon lived happily ever after with his new found friends.

    The End.

  24. Once upon a time, there lived a soldier called Atom. He was brave and powerful but he was very poor. One morning he heard people screaming so he rushed out and saw a black massive ferocious dragon flying and breathing hot burning fire on the villagers.

    Atom quickly put on his armour and raced out with his sword and axe. The terrifying monster saw Atom and swooped down to burn him to ashes. But Atom lifted up his sword and axe and sliced off his two enormous wings. The dragon roared in pain and it crashed into the ground.

    The villagers cried with joy and cheered loudly. The king rewarded Atom with an emerald sword and axe and one thousand gold coins.

  25. ARMAAN

    Many centuries ago there was a village in Egypt were a horrible,horrendous and horrofying beast lived.It had a terrible habit of eating chickens and children so the goverment made a law for people to stay inside. Far far away lived a boy called Tom who was the only one with the skills to defeat the beast.One day Tom traveled to Egypt to defeat the beast .At noon Tom traveled to the beast's hideout and batlled it the beast was about to win but with a slash of his sword Tom defeated the beast. Tom was rewarded with 10000000000000000000000 grains.

  26. By Callum

    Long long ago,there was a ferocious dragon. He's as strong as a terrifying Griffin! He's a flying dragon with wings as big as big ben. He can make dangerous earth quakes by slamming his foot into the ground.When he finds a village he steals people and they scream and shriek in terror "Arrgh.....put me down, don't eat me."The
    braivast villager called Nimrod shouted "if we create a vicious army we can defeat the evil dragon!"The croud agreed. They cheered and screamed.
    The army found the dragons cave and there was a gigantic battle and people were injured but Nimrod slid under the dragon and chopped it's tail off, the dragon fell to the ground but it wasn't dead,it was injured. It was the army's chance to kill the dragon. Suddneley the dragon bowed in defeat and so the dragon left the people alone.
    The village lived happily and fear free ever after.

  27. Many many year ago, There lived a man called St John. One day he set of to Egypt and he rode horse to. Once he arrived he
    took to the rout where the village was. When he went to the
    village enomours towers and houses have been crashed into pieces.St John headed back to the pyrmaid where the mighty
    beast is. But the ledgend says that when you chop off one
    head it grows three heads.St John arrived to the pyramid St John saw the beast...


  28. Jayden

    Once there were three brothers, Dean Junior, who was as tall as a traffic light. Rico the second brother was short and stocky like a bulldog. Then there was Jayden Who was as smart as a genius.
    They lived in a quiet town where everybody was afraid to leave their homes because of a brutal and barbaric dragon. Every day this vicious dragon would fly around and eat whoever dared to walk the streets.
    So one day the worried brothers decided to conquer the Dragon. Dean Junior tried to slay it with his sharp sword, but ended up getting swiped by the Dragons whip like tail and sent him flying like a frisbee. Rico charged at the Dragon like a bull, but ended up being toasted like a marshmallow. So Jayden tried to defeat the wild dragon by waiting till it slept, and poured a potion into it's gaping mouth that would tame it.
    When the Dragon awoke, it bowed to Jayden and flew off.
    The town celebrated and made Jayden their king.

  29. Nidhi

    Long Long an ago there was a diminutive village. All were jovially living their life. But from some days the villagers were very agitated by a ferocious dragon. He used to come from his dungeon at night and ruined the village and crops and kidnaped some villagers too.

    There was a brave boy named Charlie he made a master plan to trap him. Both were as strong as ox. Charlie fought with his sharp spear which shined bright like a “Diamond”. Charlie stamped on the tail of the dragon. Limply the dragon fall down on the floor with a thumb. He freed all the villagers from his dungeon.

    The villagers were very happy. Charlie was lionized everywhere. The king was very much impressed of his bravery and he rewarded the princess hand and a part of kingdom to him. There was a hail of applaud in the palace and all blessed them and lived stout hearted and happily.

  30. Long long ago,
    there was a fereosious dragon it lives in a village poeple are very scerd of it.Its tail is so sharp that it fells just like onehundred neadles.The dragon only comes at night.It has very long talons and toe talons.
