Sunday 6 November 2016

Literacy homework due Friday, 11th November

Literacy homework due Friday, 11th November

We have had a lot of fun this week discussing the heroes/heroines and beasts you might find in Ancient Greek myths and legends. For your homework, I'd like you to write four sentences to describe your hero or heroine and four sentences to describe your beast.

Have a look at this example:

The ferocious dragon roared menacingly. (adjectivenoun- verb-adverb)

You might like to practise using this sentence structure. Have a look at the word bank for ideas and the pictures for inspiration. I'm looking forward to reading your descriptions!


  1. When you look at medusa you turn into stone.

    When medusa puts sun glasses on she cant turn any body into stone.

    Every one had to catch medusa but Hurcules could not kill here.

    When medusa died they put here head in a bag so when ever there was a battle they would put Medusa`s head in front of someone they would turn to stone.

  2. When ever you look at Medusa ugly face you turn to silently stone.

    If horrible Medusa turn`s you into stone you stuck for ever.

    She is a ferocious creature.

    Medusa doesn't like turning people into stone.

    1. A good set of sentences. Can you use a range of impressive vocabulary?

  3. Sentences to describe my hero Zeus:
    Wise Zeus ruled the Earth and sky cleverly.
    Angry Zeus threw his thunderbolt menacingly.
    Grateful Zeus prized kindness profusely.
    Upset Zeus caused wind and rain carelessly.

    Sentences to describe my beast Medusa:
    Monstrous Medusa shook her snakes energetically.
    Horrendous Medusa turned someone to stone immediately.
    Terrifying Medusa wondered restlessly from place to place.
    Shocking Medusa roared loudly.

  4. Hydra
    Hydra is black as the black sea.
    The three headed snake has teeth as prickly as a cactus.
    His eyes are angry and red as blood.
    His tail is as spiky as a thorn.

    Pegasus is a horse with wings that fly as fast as lightening.
    The two winged horse has a tale fluffy and as soft as cotton.
    His eyes are like diamonds shining.
    Pegasus moves gracefully as if he is dancing.

    By Yusuf

  5. The muscular Hiya shot rapidly towards his enemy. The adventurous Hiya leapt energetically and kicked his enemy in mid-air. The powerful Hiya rampaged sneakily in a war. The hansom Hiya danced with joy.

    The demonic Hydra swam ferociously in the ocean. The petrifying Hydra roared menacingly. The gruesome Hydra stomped viscously. The disgusting Hydra gobbled a person carelessly.

  6. Avish


    Hephaestus carefully makes stuff out of gold, silver, clay, iron and bronze.
    Hephaestus always has shining hair.
    Hephaestus energetically delivers the parcels.
    He also walks quietly with a limp.


    Cyclops has a huge menacing red eye.
    Cyclops has a horrendous horn.
    He also has disgusting pointy ears.
    Cyclops roars ferociously.

    1. Some good sentences Avish. Can you adapt some of them to include adjective- noun- verb-adverb.
      For example: Cyclops has a huge menacing red eye. Has a noun only! try to include all four in your sentence!

  7. Athena- Heroine

    1. Athena was born suddenly from Zues's head. It all started when Zues had a huge headache.
    2. Athena was fierce and violent warrior who was angry and unforgiving to be fair and for the truth.
    3. The famous city called Athens was named after her as she protected it.
    4. The mighty and powerful Athena helped kill Medusa by cutting off her ugly snake head.

    Sirens- beast

    1. Sirens are pretty creatures, but they are also dangerous.
    2. They may have beautiful singing voices but all they are doing is leading you to your certain death and doom.
    3. A famous Greek hero passed the Sirens by blocking his ears with wax.
    4. Today, sirens are still used to warn people as alarms such as fire engines, police cars, house alarms and car alarms.

    1. You have some great sentences but not many of them have followed the pattern!
      adjective- noun- verb- adverb

  8. Sentences for my horrendous beast,
    Mad Medusa is one of the Gorgon sisters. She is the daughter of Phorkys and Keto who are the children of Earth and Ocean which was known for Gaea and Oceanus. She had a face of an disgraceful women with hissing snakes in her hair. Anyone who stares in her eyes directly would turn to stone as quick as a cheetah. Her Gorgon sisters were called Sthenno and Euryale but Medusa was the mortal out of the three. Before she had snakes in her hair she was golden-haired fair maiden until Athena's jealously came to ruin her. After Medusa saw her ugliness she left her home and never returned.

    Sentences for my heroic horse(hero),
    Pegasus's parents were actually Poseidon and Medusa and his brother was called Chrysaor. He is the creator of Hippocrene, the fountain on Mt. Helicon. Pegasus was captured by the Greek hero Bellerophon near the fountain called Peirene with the help of Athena and Poseidon. The heartful horse allowed the hero to ride him to defeat the monster, The Chimera who is a lion but with a tail of a snake and the neck of a giraffe.Sanchita

    1. Although they have brilliant facts and are well written, your sentences haven't followed the adjective- noun- verb-adverb layout!
      Can you change them to follow it?

    2. The disgraceful women had snakes hissing violently in her filthy hair.Sanchita

  9. Sentences to describe my hero FlatMan
    Powerful FlatMan ruled the Land and the Sea.
    Angry FlatMan fought furustionly.
    Grateful FlatMan saved people.
    Upset FlatMan caused a massive fire.

    Sentences to describe my beast:
    Scary Medusa roared loudly.
    Terrifying Medusa turned people into hard sculptures just by her scream and an evil stare.

    All her dancing green snakes were hissing whilst their eyes turned blood red.

    1. You have used great adjectives and verbs. Can you improve your sentences by using some -ly adverbs?

  10. My sentences about Zeus:
    Perfect Zeus Declared rain and wind carelessly.
    Brave Zeus awarded those who were kind.
    Disgusted Zeus stamped on the earth rapidly.

    My sentences on Hydra
    Disgusting Hydra screamed loudly.
    Aggressive Hydra roared viciously.
    Careless Hydra spat boiling flames energetically.

  11. My hero Apollo:
    The handsome,fancy and powerful Apollo son of Zeus.
    Holding a golden,charming chariot to play on all the time.
    He crushed the demonic Python with his bear fist very strongly.
    Grateful Apollo try to save his dad the king of all gods Zeus.
    My monster Hydra:
    The Hydra has seven freckly,demonic faces to gobble you up.
    The horrendous Hydra swims under seaweed,poison and creamy water.
    The monstrous ate nothing but slimy seaweed.
    NO ONE knows what the Hydra did next...

    from Kian

    1. Some good sentences but do they follow the adjective- noun- verb-adverb layout? Can you change them to fit this layout?

  12. medusa can turn people into stone by looking at them. medusa can trarise a whole vilagge terrifying,sacry, ugly smely ,disguting and mad medusa is as trific as the centaur afater medusa saw her ugly ness she ran away

    1. Some good adjectives in your sentences. Can yu write four clear sentences that contain the adjective- noun- verb-adverb layout?


  13. 1 Obnoxious medusa crossly transformed a man into stone .
    2 Hideous medusa lives in a dark gloomy cave.
    3 Medusa is a savage gorgon .
    4 Medusa is a snake haired snake woman.
    5 Ferocious medusa can turn you into a statue.
    6 Moody mad medusa has two gorgon sisters.
    7 medusa is a ugly gorgon.
    8 medusa is a snake woman.
    9 she has snake hair.


    1. some good adjectives and verbs but can you improve your sentences by using a variety of amazing adjectives and -ly adverbs?

  14. Beast : Minotaur
    The striking and terrifying minotaur lept as he menacingly defended his Labyrinth.
    He terrifyingly stamped loudly whilst making horrendous noises.
    The hairy minotaur cried loudly he had a ferocious battle with
    Energetically the minotaur sprinted towards the brave Hercules.

    Hero : Pegasus
    Pegasus is a perfect and beautiful winged stallion.
    He tiptoed gracefully as he made his way home.
    Zeus declared that Hercules was the only one who could use Pegasus.
    His soft and shiny hair sparkled like diamonds in the moonlight.

  15. Medusa:
    She is evil and can make you into stone by her eyes.
    There are terrifying snakes on her head.
    Medusa looks like a ugly witch.
    She has no friends because she is not nice.


    Pegasus is white as a cloud.
    Pegasus has two soft perfect wings, she flies like a beautiful butterfly.
    She is very sweet and friendly with everyone.
    She always shines bright like a sun.

    1. Some good adjectives used Ayesha. Can you improve the sentences by using verbs?

  16. My hero is

    Ruby, rescues people in a village.
    She can do magic spells on people.
    powerful Ruby can , help and cast spells on baddies
    When somebody is struggling Ruby kindly calms them down and tells them what to do.

    My Beast is Medusa

    Scary Medusa can turn people into stone.
    Frightful Medusa has snakes in her hair instead of real hair.
    Frighting Medusa gives everyone a fright.
    Freaky Medusa gives everyone nightmares.

  17. Sentences to describe my beast:
    1)The horrendous Chimera roared loudly.
    2)The hairy Chimera leapt out of the bush ferociously.
    3)The dangerous Chimera screamed viciously.
    4)The powerful Chimera chased energetically the people of the village.
    Sentences to disscribe my hero:
    1)The fuming Poseidon stamped his trident loudly.
    2)Furious Poseidon scared the careless people in the village.
    3)Hairy Poseidon rode a beautiful leaping chariot what rode carefully.
    4)Terrifying Poseidon ruined the popular village.

  18. My beast is Medusa:
    Terrifying Medusa turned perfect people into stone.
    She is smelly, disgusting and her behaviour with people is shocking.
    Her shiny striking hair was actually SNAKES!
    Her severed head could still turn people into stone.

    My heroine is Wonder woman:
    The heroic wonder woman fought bravely.
    The great Greek Gods gave her superhuman powers.
    The wonderful wonder woman flew energetically.
    Her soft glistening hair is as soft as fur.

    From Neha

    1. Some brilliant adjectives used Neha.
      Do all of your sentences include an adjective, noun, verb or adverb?
      Rewrite them to include these types of words!

    2. My heroine is Wonder woman:
      The heroic wonder woman fought bravely.
      The speedy wonder woman ran rapidly.
      The wonderful wonder woman flew energetically.
      The kind wander woman helped whole heartedly.
      From Neha

  19. sentences to describe my hero Arrow Target:
    1. Arrow Target is confident because she can do any battle.
    2. She is healthy because she eats a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables.
    3. Arrow Target is brave and has shinning armor.
    4. She is beautiful and has curly hair.
    5. She is really shocking because she makes a surprises.

    Sentences to describe my beast Hydra:
    1. The Hydra lives in the see.
    2. She has light and dark purple, rough skin.
    3. Hydra has nine scary and loud heads.
    4. She has a long, spiky tail.
    5. Also she has nine pairs of scary, dark red sparkling eyes.


    1. Some good descriptions about your character.
      Do all of your sentences include an adjective, noun, verb or adverb?
      Rewrite them to include these types of words!

  20. Sentences to describe my hero Arrow Target:
    1. Arrow Target is confident because she can rapidly win any battle.
    2. She is healthy because she eats a lot of perfect fruits and vegetables.
    3. Arrow Target is brave and can roare as loud as a lion.
    4. She can tiptoe with her soft hair.
    5.she can set up shocking partyes rapidly and is really quiet.

    Sentences to describe my beast Hydra:
    1. The terrifying Hydra lives in the see and can quietly race anyone.
    2. She has light and dark purple, rough skin and screamed loudly to everyone.
    3. Hydra has nine scary heads which can roar loudly .
    4. She has a long, spiky tail which can smash everything.
    5. Also she has nine pairs of scary, dark red eyes with furious sparkle.


  21. Ksenia.

    sentences about my beast Medusa.
    1)Medusa has very smelly hear.
    2)Medusa doesn't have legs like as Medusa has snake but not legs.
    3)Medusa instead of hear she has snaks the snaks never fall from Medusa's hear.
    4)Medusa with her snake she walks very quickly.
    5)When Medusa looks at samwan she turns people in to a stone.

    Sentences about Pegasus.
    1)Pegasus has bird wingsto fly with.
    2)Pegasus is very straping and strong.
    3)Also pegasus can fly really fast.
    4)fersteli Pegasus loves helping people.
    5)Pegasus do not help people wich are rood smelly or silly.

  22. Minotaur

    Minotaur has massive muscles and pointed horns.
    His chest is as hard as metal, and his beard is tangled like rope.
    Minotaur was stomping and snorting whilst racing towards Theseus- too impatient to meet its sacrifice.
    When Minotaur bellowed, the walls of the city would shake, and the strong walls of the palace trembled.
    Minotaur's huge double headed axe was jagged but as sharp as a razor blade.


    Theseus set sail to slay the hideous beast Minotaur.
    He silently entered the pitch black Labyrinth in search of the ferocious beast.
    Theseus thrust his pointed spear into the vicious beast's neck and killed it.
    Brave Theseus had defeated the Minotaur, and the town celebrated like it was Zeus's birthday.


  23. Sentences about the hydra. From Byon
    1.)Hydra has many 12 heads.
    2.)The Hydra grows 3 heads when you chop of 1 head.
    3.)The Hydra has 4 lags to walk with.
    4.)The Hydra control his self by his tail when he ran.
    5.)The Hydra has spikes around his body to protect him self when someone attacks him.

  24. My hero is Pegasus. Pegasus is a very beautiful flying horse. He has gigantic wings by which he can fly gracefully. The hairy Pegasus tiptoed silently. Pegasus can race on the land Terrifyingly fast
    He rampaged Ferocious on his enemy
