Friday 3 February 2017

Homework due Friday, 10th February

Homework due Friday, 10th February

Homework due Friday, 10th February

We have been looking at ways to write direct speech into our stories this week. Can you remember the things we found out? Watch this clip to refresh your memory:

Task 1:  Rewrite the following sentences so that the speech (and everything else) is written correctly. Can you think of some alternative words for 'said'?

  1.  what time is it asked Sachin.
  2.  let’s have chicken for dinner said Monica. 
  3.  can I play on the computer Mum asked Kayla. 
  4.  i would like an ice cream please said Zara. 
  5.  that costs 12 euro said the shop-keeper. 
  6.  would you like to read a book asked the teacher. 
  7.  where is the cheese asked Kayleigh. 
  8.  what’s five times eight asked Miss Byrne. 
  9.  hooray shouted the children.

Task 2:

Think back to the 'Staying Out' suspense story and remember how Kev tried to convince his mother to let him go camping with his friend. Please write a brief paragraph including a conversation between Kev and his mother, using all you have learned about punctuating speech. You may even try to put some persuasive language in there!


  1. 1.“What time is it?” asked Sachin.
    2.”Let have chicken for dinner”, said Monica.
    3.”can I play on the computer?” asked Kayla.
    4.”I would like ice cream please”, said Zara.
    5.”That costs 12 euros” said the shopkeeper.
    6.”Would you like to read a book?” asked the teacher.
    7.”Where is the cheese?” asked Kalyleigh.
    8.”What’s 5 x 8?” asked miss Bryne.
    9.”Hooray !” shouted the chidren.

    1. Excellent try Sheza! Should the punctuation be on the outside or inside of the inverted commas?

  2. Task 1:

    1 "What time is it?" asked Sachin.
    2 "Let's have chicken for dinner," said Monika.
    3 "Can I play on the computer mum?" asked Kyla.
    4 "I would like an ice cream, please," said Sara.
    5 "It costs 12 Euro," said the shop keeper.
    6 "Would you like to read a book?" asked the teacher.
    7 "Where is the cheese? " asked Kayleigh.
    8 "What's five times eight ?" asked Miss Byrne.
    9 "Hooray!" shouted the children.

    Task 2:

    "Mum can me and my friend go camping? "asked Kev. Mum had a weird smile. "Are you serious?" she asked. "Yes I am," Kev answered. "No!" she shouted. "I will be to worried," she said. "Ok, then let us just have it at th end of the garden. We will be safe there," said Kev. "Only if you will promise me than you will behave well," she said. "Yes we will," he answered. "Ok but no fooling around," she said. "Hooray" he shouted.

    1. Excellent Karol! Everything is perfect except for the last horay in your paragraph. Can you spot why it is not perfect?

    2. Thank you Mr Openshaw. The mistake, I have misted out an exclamation mark at the end off the word "hooray!" I found another mistake, in the 6th sentence I wrote "to" but it should be "too".

  3. 1. What time is it? asked Sachin.
    2. Let’s have chicken for dinner, said Monica.
    3. Can I play on the computer? Mum asked Kayla.
    4. I would like an ice-cream please, said Zara.
    5. That costs 12 euro, said the shop-keeper.
    6. Would you like to read a book? asked the teacher.
    7. Where is the cheese? asked Kayleigh.
    8. What’s five times eight? asked Miss Byrne.
    9. “Hooray” shouted the children!

    1. A good try but I think you can do better than this!Rewatch the clip on the link to help you to think about where your inverted commas go and where or what punctuation goes before the inverted commas.

  4. Part one:

    “What time is it?” asked Sachin.
    “Let’s have chicken for dinner,” suggested Monica.
    “Can I play on the computer mum?” asked Kaylen.
    “I would like an ice cream please,” said Zara
    “That costs 12 euro,” said the shop-keeper.
    “Would you like to read a book?” asked the teacher
    “Where is the cheese?” asked Kayleigh
    “What’s five times eight?” asked miss Byrne
    “Hooray!” shouted the children.
    Part two:
    “Mum it is nice weather outside, most people go camping nowadays and as you know my friend is coming to stay over. Please can I go camping with him in the back garden?”
    asked Kev.
    “Okay but no fooling around,” said mum

    1. Excellent Nasr_Allah! What comes at the very end of any sentence? You have missed a few out!

  5. Task 1

    1/ "What time is it?!" shouted Sachin.
    2/ "Lets have chicken for dinner" proposed Monica.
    3/ "Can I play on the computer ?" Mum whispered to Keyla.
    4/ "I would like an ice cream, please" ordered Zara.
    5/ "That costs 12 euro" answered the shop-keeper.
    6/ "Would you like to read a book?" offered teacher.
    7/ "Where is the cheese?" wondered Kayleigh.
    8/ "What is five times eight?" asked Miss Byrne.
    9/ "Hooray!" yelled children.

    from Kian

    1. Fantastic try!

      "What time is it?!" shouted Sachin
      "I would like an ice cream, please" ordered Zara.
      "That costs 12 euro" answered the shop-keeper.

      On the sentences above, your have missed out some punctuation. Can you correct them? Hints:
      something goes before the last inverted comma!
      What goes at the end of a sentence?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Task 1:

    1 "What time is it?" asked Sachin.
    2 "Let's have chicken for dinner," said Monika.
    3 "Can I play on the computer mum?" asked Kyla.
    4 "I would like an ice cream, please," said Sara.
    5 "It costs 12 Euro," said the shop keeper.
    6 "Would you like to read a book?" asked the teacher.
    7 "Where is the cheese? " asked Kayleigh.
    8 "What's five times eight ?" asked Miss Byrne.
    9 "Hooray!" shouted the children.

    Task 2:

    Kev said to his mum. "You know I'm a good boy and I've done all of my chores?"
    Mum said, "yes....."
    And that my friend is coming over for a sleepover?"
    "Yes....." said Mum.
    Kev said, " well I was hoping we could do our sleeping outside".
    "You mean camping?" Mum said.
    "Yes said Kev".
    " have you done all of your homework?" Asked Mum.
    "All done". Said Kev.
    " Then okay, and no fooling around!" said Mum.
    "Thanks Mum, you're the best!".

  8. Avish:Task 1

    "What time is it?" shouted Sachin.
    "Let’s have chicken for dinner" said Monica.
    "Can I play on the computer Mum?" asked Kayla.
    "I would like an ice cream, please?" asked Zara.
    "That costs 12 euro" said the shop-keeper.
    "Would you like to read a book?" asked the teacher.
    "Where is the cheese?" asked Kayleigh.
    "What’s five times eight?" asked Miss Byrne.
    "Hooray!" shouted the children.

  9. Avish Part 2

    "Mum can I go camping with my friend?" asked Kev. "NO", shouted Kev's mum, "It's too dangerous". "Then can we camp in the garden?" said Kev. "It will be much safer in the garden". "Alright" Kev's mum said "But stay safe. Yes?". "Yes I promise".

  10. Task one

    1/"What is the time?!" Shouted Sachin.
    2/"Let's have a chicken for dinner" Proposed Monica.
    3/"Can I play on the computer?" Mum and Keyla.
    4/" I would like an ice cream, please" Ordered Zara.
    5/"That costs 12 euro" Answered the shop keeper.
    6/" Would you like to read a book?" offered the teacher.
    7/" Where is the cheese?" Wondered Kayleigh.
    8/"What is five times eight?" asked Miss Byrne.
    9/ "Hooray!" yelled the children.

  11. 1. "What time is it?!" shouted Sachin.
    2. "Lets have chicken for dinner" proposed Monica.
    3. "Can I play on the computer ?" Mum whispered to Keyla.
    4. "I would like an ice cream, please" ordered Zara.
    5. "That cost is 12euro". answered the shop-keeper.
    6. "Would you like to read a book?" offered teacher.
    7. "Where is the cheese?" wondered Kayleigh.
    8. "What is five times eight?" asked Miss Byrne.
    9. "Hooray!!" shouted children.

    "Mum can we go camping? Me and my friend, asked Kev.
    “Ok but no fooling around,” said mum. "Hooray" they shouted.

  12. Task 1

    1) "What time is it?" questioned Sachin.
    2) "Let's have chicken for dinner", suggested mum.
    3) "Can I play on the computer mum? wondered Kayla.
    4) "I would like an ice cream, please" ordered Zara.
    5) "That costs 12 euros," claimed the shop-keeper.
    6) "Would you like to read a book?" questioned the teacher.
    7) "Where is the cheese?" asked Kayleigh.
    8) "What's five times eight?" wondered Miss Byrne.
    9) "Hooray!" shouted the children.

    Task 2:
    "Hello mum!" said Kev.
    "Hello Dear!" answered Kev's Mum, "What is going on?".
    "Nothing" said Kev. " I have been thinking. What if my friend and I go camping".
    "What? That is crazy!. What if you get hurt!" said Kev's mum.
    "Don't worry I will be fine." said Kev.
    "But you promise no messing around" said Kev's mum.
    "I promise" said Kev calmly.

  13. Part one
    1. “What time is it?” asked Sachin.
    2.”Let’s have chicken for dinner” suggested Monica.
    3.”Can I play on the computer mum?”asked Kayla.
    4. “I would like an ice cream please” stated Zara.
    5.”That cost 12 euro “shouted the shop keeper.
    6”.Would you like to read a book” asked the teacher.
    7.”Where is the cheese? “asked Kayleigh.
    8.”What’s five times eight” questioned Miss Bryne .
    9”.Hooray” exclaimed the children.

    Part two

    “Mum please can I go camping with my friend” .We will only stay at the front of the garden”. “Ok, but I still don’t feel good about it”.” It’s too dangerous” stated mum. “Please mum it will be good fun”. “But you will be cold and get sick” exclaimed mum. “No mum we will take some cosy, woolly and snugly blankets”. “I ‘m still not keen” replied mum. “But I strongly believe that camping is great fun” expressed Kev. “But I don’t want you two to go outside, you may get scared at night” commented mum. “We won’t be scared because we will have a light in the garden” responded Kev. “Because of the light more animals will come in the garden to you ” exclaimed mum . “I promise we will use a torch inside the tent only, so the animals won’t come to us” declared Kev . “Ok boys, you two can go to camping, but only this night” answered mum.

  14. Task 1:

    1 "What time is it?" enquired Sachin.
    2 "Let's have chicken for dinner," demanded Monika.
    3 "Can I play on the computer mum?" asked Kyla.
    4 "I would like an ice cream, please," said Sara.
    5 "It costs 12 Euro," said the shop keeper.
    6 "Would you like to read a book?" asked the teacher.
    7 "Where is the cheese? " asked Kayleigh.
    8 "What's five times eight ?" asked Miss Byrne.
    9 "Hooray!" shouted the children.

  15. "Can I go camping Mum ?", asked Kev. "Fine" said mum, " But you have to camp in the back garden." "But why" demanded Kev."Because if you go camping somewhere,i'll be worried incase something happens to you.Here I can keep an eye on you and not have to worry too much ! " responded Mum in a loud voice."Fine" Kev said in a moany voice, knowing he would have to listen to his mum or there would be NO camping !

  16. NEHA

    Task 1:
    1. “What time is it?” asked Sachin.
    2. “Let’s have chicken for dinner!” announced Monica.
    3. “Mum, can I play on the computer?” asked Kayla.
    4. “I would like an ice cream, please,” giggled Zara.
    5. “That costs 12 euros,” yelled the shopkeeper.
    6. “Where is the cheese?” demanded Kayleigh.
    7. “Would you like to read a book?” asked the teacher.
    8. “What’s 5X8?” asked Miss Byrne.
    9. “Hooray!” shouted the children.

    “Can I go camping out with my friend?” asked Kev. Kev’s mum yelled, “No”. He begged “Please, I will be good for a whole week!” She thought about it and said “Yes but no messing around.”

  17. "What time is it"? murmured sachin.
    "lets have chicken for dinner,"said Monika.
    "can I play on the commputer mum?"yelled kyla.
    "I would like an ice cream,please,"said sara.
    "It costs 12 euros,"said the nice shop keeper.
    "Would you like to read a book?"asked the kind teacher.
    "Where is the cheese?"asked kayleigh.
    "What's five times eight?"asked miss byrne.
    "Hooray!"shouted the children.

  18. Task 1

    1. "What time is it?" asked Sachin.
    2. "Let's have chicken for dinner!" shouted Monica.
    3. "Can I play on the computer, Mum?" asked Kayla.
    4. "I would like an ice-cream, please," whispered Zara.
    5. "That costs 12 Euros," told me the shop keeper.
    6. "Would you like to read a book?" asked the teacher.
    7. "Where is the cheese?" asked Kayleigh.
    8. "What's five times eight?" questioned Miss Byrne.
    9. "Hooray!!!" shouted the children.

    Task 2

    Kev asked his mum if he can go camping while she was watching TV. He asked her in the right time, because she was concentrating on the TV and she didn't listen the question. She answered "OK, but no fooling around," and she get back to the TV without thinking about the answer.


    1. wrily good Julia but you have a star for good capital leters
      and a dot for elipses.

  19. Panctation and capital leters
    Task 1:

    1) "What time is it?"asked Sachin.
    2) "Let's have chicken today for dinner," sugestid mum youpy!
    3) "Can i play on the camputer?"mum asked Kayla.
    4) "I wold like an a ice-cream, pleas," asked Zara.
    5) "It costs 12 euro,"said the shop keeper.
    6) "Would you like to read a book?" about panctuations asked the teacher.
    7) "Where is the cheese?" asked Kayleigh.
    8) "What's 5x8?" asked Miss Byrn.
    9) "Hooray!"shouted the children.

    Task 2:
    Mum can i go camping pleas, with my freind?
    "Ok but no fooling around Kev, but i am to woride.
    Don't be woride mum, it will be good and fun.
    I am woride because maiby you will be cold or you can be SICK!
    We are going to take are blankets and are hot coats.
    But you both need to go to the back garden and i will have
    a look after you both.Thank you mumy for having a look after as.
    Maiby you should take your dad's tent. Are we aloud to take ouwer
    torchis? ok fine but be careful.

    From Ksenia

  20. Nidhi,

    Task 1

    What the time is it?" call out Sachin.
    “Let have chicken for dinner,” urged Monica.
    "Can I play on the computer mum?” whispered Kayla.
    "I would like an ice cream please!" suggested Zara.
    "That costs 12 euros," replied the shop-keeper.
    “Would you like to read a book?" asked the teacher.
    "Where is the cheese?" muttered Kayleigh.
    "What five times eight?" questioned Miss Byrne.
    "Hooray!" yelled the children.

    Task 2

    "Mom can I go to campaigning with my friend in our garden?" asked Kew
    "Are you crazy?” she asked.
    "Yes!" replied Kew.
    "No!" she shouted.
    "It’s too cold and dark outside," she said.
    "I will take some cosy clothes and a torch for safety,” explained Kew
    "Have you completed your studies?” she asked.
    "All completed," answered Kew.
    "You have to behave good and no quarrelling,” said mom
    "All right I promised,” said Kew.
    "Ok but no fooling around,” said mom.
    “Hooray!" yelled Kew.
    "I love you mom,” said Kew.

  21. 1"What time is it?"asked sacking.
    2 "Lets have chicken for dinner,"asked Monica.
    3"Can I play on the computer Mum?" Asked Kayla.
    4"I would an ice cream please,"said Zara.
    5"That costs 12 euro, "answered the shop keeper.
    6 "Would you like to read a book?" asked the teacher.
    7"Where is the cheese ?"asked Kayleigh.
    8"What's five times eight?"asked Miss Byrne.
    9" Hooray !"shouted the children.

    Task 2
    "Please Mum can my friend and I go camping tonight?"asked Kev . " No because it is too dangerous to go by your self shouted !" But we are just going to chat and then
    sleep . We promise that we will not leave the tent," explained Kev. Mum thought about It. " Ok but be careful," answered Mum.

  22. 1."What time is it?"asked Sachin.

    2."Lets have chicken for dinner,"asked Monica.

    3."Can I play on the computer mum?" asked Kayla.

    4."I would like an ice cream please,"said Zara.

    5."That costs 12 euro,"said the shop keeper.

    6."Would you like to read a book?asked the teacher.

    7."Where is the cheese?"asked Kayleigh.

    8."What's five times eight?"asked miss Byrne.

    9."Hooray!"shouted the children.

  23. task 1:
    1.“What time is it?” asked Sachin.
    2.”Let have chicken for dinner”, said Monica.
    3.”can I play on the computer?” asked Kayla.
    4.”I would like ice cream please”, said Zara.
    5.”That costs 12 euros” said the shopkeeper.
    6.”Would you like to read a book?” asked the teacher.
    7.”Where is the cheese?” asked Kalyleigh.
    8.”What’s 5 x 8?” asked miss Bryne.
    9.”Hooray !” shouted the chidren.
    task 2:
    "Mum!"screamed kev. "Yes dear," said mum. " I want to go out camping with my friend" Kev said. "Ok but then you have to listen to me and be a good boy,"she said. "Fine" he said. "Yes!" he yelled.
