Friday 21 April 2017

Homework due Friday, 28th April

Homework due Friday, 28th April
What is your favourite poem? Mine is 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright. You can read it below...

I love it because Kit Wright has described some truly wonderful things. Some of them only exist in the imagination and could never really be put in a box. He has used wonderful vocabulary to describe these images and you can really imagine what they would look, sound or feel like. I also love the way the poem sounds when you read it aloud. Especially the first line, 'the swish of a silk sari on a summer night.' The alliteration (repetition of the 's' sound) really helps it to slip off the tongue.

You may choose one of the following tasks:

1) Can you continue the poem? What would you put into the magic box? Write three verses that describe what you would put into the box.

2) What is your favourite poem? Choose your favourite poem and write it up neatly on paper. You may decorate it if you like. Can you also explain why you like it? Which are your favourite words, images or sentences?


  1. I will put in a box...

    The smell of Summer,
    A bouquet of Roses,
    Fun in the Summer water,

    I will put in the box...

    Memories of Holidays,
    The taste of ice cream that we could eat everyday,
    Free days of school for summer,

    I will put in the box...

    A beach ball to remember summer days,
    A mini christmas tree,
    Presents for homeless people.

  2. I will put into my box...

    A 92 decker, red bus with swimming pools full
    of Nutella on each level.

    A football pitch with unbreakable goal nets.

    A soft touch of my little brother,
    my mummy's happy voice and my daddy's
    funny laugh.

  3. I will put in the box...

    The blue sky and the scorching sun.
    The kids screaming down the Kamikaze.
    The warmth of the sand as it shines like gold.

    I will put in the box...

    The tears of laughter rolling down my sisters face.
    The sound of the trees gliding from left to right.
    The thought of being on a tropical Paradise.

    I will put in my box...
    A silver hair from the biggest gorilla in the jungle.
    The priest reading from the holy bible.
    The speed of a Lamborghini flying past me.

  4. I will put in the box,
    Three tirquiose wishes spoken in Albanian
    delicious sweet fruit wich waters your mouth
    a shimmering lake sparkles like emeralds

    I will put in the box
    A charm of luck
    a fairy standing by the sighn to candyland
    a violet wind flowing by

    Iwill put into the box
    A hot summer night
    sizzling fire works on bonfire night
    surreal flowere in a dream.

  5. Biyon

    My favourite poem is the second stanzas because it says one of my favourite fish, kit wright used one alliteration, there is anaphora of the word A, and the sentence "I will put in the box ".

  6. I will put in the box...

    The swish of a shooting star,
    The whizzing bang of a beaming blue firework,
    My hands touching the sun's radiant shine.
    I will put in the box...
    A shark singing in a sea,
    The flickering fin of a flying fish,
    A clicking dolphins sound from the deep blue ocean.
    I will put in the box...
    My magic box is fashioned from crystals, diamonds and ruby with gems on the lid and wishes in the corner. It hinges are the teeth of crocodiles.

  7. I love a dream within a dream. I like it because it uses powerful words and rhymes. My favourite line was is all that we see or seem but now it is in a vision or in none. On internet, when I hear the poem it is calm and relaxing.


  8. I will put in the magic box Abdirahman

    the mane of a lion

    the scale of a dragon

    the stripes of a tiger

    I will put in the magic box

    the paws of a cheeter
    the roestes of a learpod
    the roar of a jaguar

  9. i will put in my magic box...,
    enchanted frogs leaping and jumping around
    revving cars racing threw the road
    melting smoures with chocolate drissled on the top

    I will put in my magic box...,
    cool blue raspberry flavoured ice cream in the humid breeze
    kids snapping off chocolate into peaces and gobbling them all up into there rummbling , mummbling tummies.

    i will put in my magic box...,
    chopping off peaces of delicious chocolate cake then slurpping it all into there mouth and chocolate around there mouth.
