Friday 31 March 2017

Homework due: Friday 21st April 2017

Homework due: Friday 21st April 2017

You have all received your homework on paper this week. Please bring in your project when we come back to school after Easter.

For your Easter holiday homework you have the option to do one of the following:

1.     Create a model of a Tudor house
You can use any materials you wish and then write a paragraph describing how you made it.


2.    Research and design your own Tudor costume
Sketch your own Tudor costume. Label the different parts of the costume and their purpose.

We have not set spellings over Easter but, you do have Mathletics and reading as normal.

Have a lovely Easter break!


  1. I am making a Tudor house. I went shopping so I had lots of shoeboxes to use. I used one shoeboxes to make the roof. There was one side tilted so I just pretend that an attic was there. I super glued a cube sponge at the centre of the roof to make the chimney but before I did that I covered the roof with a black sheet instead of colouring or painting it. I covered the whole of the roof and placed the chimney. Next, I took a small shoebox and a slightly bigger one. I also covered it but with white sheets. I lined the two white shoeboxes together at the back so at the front there would be a little gap. I saw some ideas for the lines on Internet and then I finally had the perfect one. I drew all the lines on the house with a black thick pen. In the gap I added two pillars at the side because some Tudor houses have them.I made them with three jumbo straws. Everything was perfect and done!


  2. How I made my Tudor house.

    To make my own project of a Tudor House I needed a lot of help from my parents. Firstly we had to find out what is a Tudor house and how it looks like. A day later my mum brought boxes from work. That evening we started to build our Tudor House. We covered the cardboard boxes with white tissue paper. We made the roof out of cardboard as well but we covered it with black tissue paper. The ground was made out of cardboard as well but covered with green tissue paper. The following day we went shopping to buy mirror paper, black sharpies and all purpose glue. When we came back home we cut out windows out of the mirror paper, we draw a thin black lines on them to make diamond shapes. We also draw thick, black lines on our white walls to pretend they were wooden frame and beams. At last we glued bigger box on top of the smaller one, then we added roof and stick them all on our green base. Our house is ready.
