Friday 31 March 2017

Homework due: Friday 21st April 2017

Homework due: Friday 21st April 2017

You have all received your homework on paper this week. Please bring in your project when we come back to school after Easter.

For your Easter holiday homework you have the option to do one of the following:

1.     Create a model of a Tudor house
You can use any materials you wish and then write a paragraph describing how you made it.


2.    Research and design your own Tudor costume
Sketch your own Tudor costume. Label the different parts of the costume and their purpose.

We have not set spellings over Easter but, you do have Mathletics and reading as normal.

Have a lovely Easter break!

Friday 24 March 2017

Homework due: 31st March 2017

Homework due: 31st March 2017

Below is a grammar task for you to complete.

Type each sentence out and fill in the missing space with the correct word.

Image result for year 3 to too two

Friday 17 March 2017

Home task due Friday 24th March 2017

Home task due Friday 24th March 2017
Home task due Friday 24th March 2017

This week we have been learning about the Anglo Saxons and also instruction writing. As part of this we have looked at a board game called 'Fox and Geese' (shown below). Your task this week is to write a set of instructions for how to play the game. We have learnt the rules and played the game in class so now you need to turn these into a set of written instructions. You have all been given a copy of the game to play at home while you make your instructions.

Friday 10 March 2017


For this week your task is to write a set of magical instructions on how to turn a person into a frog. 

First, you will need to write a list of ingredients.

Next, you need to write a list of step by step instructions on how to turn the person into a frog.

Below is an example for you to make your own.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Homework due 10th March

Homework due 10th March

Your homework this week is to write a paragraph for each picture explaining what has happened to make them react like this. 

Try to use SHOW not tell sentences to imply how the person is feeling.

Image result for angry person cartoon  Related image