Friday 10 March 2017


For this week your task is to write a set of magical instructions on how to turn a person into a frog. 

First, you will need to write a list of ingredients.

Next, you need to write a list of step by step instructions on how to turn the person into a frog.

Below is an example for you to make your own.


  1. How to turn a man into a frog


    .5 sharpens of a pencil
    .2 fat toads
    .3 poping candy bags
    .7 glasses of cheetahs blood


    1. Pour all of the ingredients into a bowl.
    2. Mix them until the mixture turns brown.
    3. Say "Da Da Da doo di da".
    4. Drink the potion.
    5. Sleep for 10 minutes.

    You will be turned into a frog....

    From Neha

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  3. How to make a child into a frog:
    First you must find 20 flies.
    Then 10 find carrots.
    After that, put the carrots and the flies in the cauldron.
    Next stir the ingreidents and say bing bam boom.
    Finally you have a green frog.

  4. How to turn a person into a frog


    3 slimy snails
    4 tea spoons of any green powder
    5 enormous slugs
    1 bucket full of yellow sand
    1 bottle full of mint sauce

    How to make it

    1. Poor it all into a bucket.
    2. Mix it with a mixer.
    3. Poor it into a cup.
    4. Say "you person change in a frog,".
    5. At last drink it.

  5. The ingredients to make a person to a frog is green paint to colour in there face and body.The next thing is dears blood to make it smell revolting and muddy ball to make the child to crock.there should be fox menure to make it look horrible and even a bats wings to put in the mouth so it could look like the person is hick-upping.Then you need to shave the childs hair and paint the head green and that's how you turn a chilled into a frog.

  6. Avish


    Spoonful of spiders blood
    Ten pieces of grass
    Twenty balls of rabbits poo
    A block of cardboard
    A pot of slime
    A hand full of moss

    1. cut the cardboard up
    2. mush the poo up
    3. wizz the slime up
    4. get a coldren put all the ingredients
    5. in mix it up good with a wooden spoon
    6. keep mixing until it goes green
    7. say make it a frog make it a frog turn in to a frog cabush!

    by Avish

  7. How to turn a child into a frog
    2 spoons of green slime
    1 orange fur
    5 drops of mud
    Dogs bone
    Sugar pumpkin
    Dirty water
    2 teaspoons of bees
    1) Firstly combine the 2 ingredients: dirty water and 2 spoons of slime in the mixing cauldron.
    2)Then add 5 drops of mud , orange fur, sugar pumpkin and 2 teaspoons of bees.
    3) Next crash the dogs bone in the blender and add to ingredients.
    4) When it’s ready pour it to the potion bottle and say “I want magic kaboom.”
    5) Lastly, drink it.

  8. How to turn a person into a frog
    You will need:
    A jar of 5 frogs
    10 L water
    Some mud
    Green paint
    Put the jar of frogs in the water.
    Mix the green paint with the water until it looks dark green.
    Now stir it.
    Add some mud to the mixture
    Drink it while spinning to the left
    P.S make sure you drink it in 30minute, in 10 seconds you will be a frog.

  9. Ingredients

    2 Cups of dragonflies.
    A spoonful of clay.
    1 Cup of stag beetles.
    1.5 Cups of beetle juice.


    Sprinkle the beetle juice over the ingredients.
    Put all of the ingredients in the cauldron.
    Say abracadabra bring to the boil.
    Then let it cool down
    Drink the potion with your eyes closed.
    By Sylas

  10. Ingredients

    *A bit of powdery yellow paint
    *1 slug
    *Large mug
    *1009 enormous bits of blue tack


    1)First, get the teacher.
    2)Then pour the honey into a bowl.
    3)Stik the 1009 enormous bits of blue tack.
    4)Place the slug in the yellow paint.
    5)Add the rest of the ingredients in the bowl and stir.
    6)Pour the mixture into the mug.
    7)Now drink the potion!

  11. How to turn a person into a frog

    . 7 cups of fliying fly
    .10 cups of insects blood
    .13 friying pans of fish
    .19spoon falls of water

    .mush them togerther
    .mix them
    . say boys rule
    .kick a ball
    .drink it

  12. How to turn a person into a frog

    2 green slimy slugs
    1 bottle of wax from a pig's ears
    2 tarantula eyes
    1 frogs tongue

    1. Boil the pigs ear wax with the frog's tongue in a pot of drain water
    2. Squish the slimy slugs into a paste and put it into the boiling pot with the tarantula eyes
    3. Say ready steady go and jump 3 times
    4. serve the person the potion.

  13. How to turn a man into a frog
    2 cups of fatty slugs
    2 table spoon of vinegar
    1 cups of scorpion blood
    3 cups of slippery mud

    1.Put the ingredients in a glass.
    2.Mix them together and stir well.
    3.Pour the mixture on the man and say "abracadabra"
    4.Finally you will see the man slowly changes into a blue frog.

  14. Ingredient

    1. get 3 bat wings
    2. then chop of 4 frog legs
    3. after get 5 spoons of witches blood
    4. after that get 10 scoops of salt and vinegar water
    5. finally put 6 snail shells.

    1. put all the ingredients in a cauldron
    2. mix it with a spoon and it will turn lime
    3. say a bang and a zip with a little tip
    4. then touch the floor and then touch your head.
    5. put it some of the lime stuff into a small cup
    6. drink it and then you will turn into a frog.

  15. Ingredients

    1. A cup of spider eyes
    2. A teaspoon full of slippery slime
    3. A cup of rats guts
    4. A tablespoon of wet and sloppy mud

    1. Mush all the of the spider eyes and put it in a bowl.
    2. Get a mixer and mix all the other ingredients together with the spider eyes mush.
    3. Then say "Higgel Piggle mix and Bubble .
    4. Jump up x2
    5. Clap you hands x2
    6. Then drink the potion.

  16. How to turn a child into a frog:

    1. A bowl full of frog legs,
    2. Fresh frogs blood,
    3. 2 cats eyes,
    4. Two rotten eggs,
    5. Bee wings.

    1. First mix the frog legs, frogs blood, cat eyes and rotten eggs with blender.
    2. Next, after it is blended, sprinkle with bee wings.
    3. Now add big spoon full of mixture into a child's dinner.
    4. When the child will eat it, at midnight the child will turn into a pink frog.


  17. How to turn a child into a frog:


    1 portion of pizza bread
    3 table spoon crow blood
    3 slimy worms (cut into small pieces)
    20 grams fat of Ox
    20 grams of dead spider & butterfly powder


    1. Take a portion of pizza bread
    2. Spread crow blood on it
    3. Add some cut pieces of slimy worms
    4. Grate fat of ox on it ,sprinkle powder dead spider & butterfly powder
    5. Bake the pizza for 15 min at 180 degree
    6. Ask a boy to eat it, by saying, “Abra ka Dabra” jump two times he will turn into frog!!!


  18. How to turn a child into a frog
    1. A cup of mushrooms
    2. 2 spoons of green paint
    3. 3 frog legs
    4 1 skeleton arm
    Mix them together and stir in hob
    Then let it cool down
    Then say "abracadabra"
    Then drink the potion.
    And drink it and watch how to turn into a green frog.

  19. Biyon

    1.A bowl of sup.
    2.A bowl of slime.
    3.A bowl of dead fly's.
    4.A lily pad.
    5.A bottle of water.

    How to make to make the potion.

    1.First you get the sup.
    2.Second of all you get the slime and the sup and mix it.
    3.Third of all you put the fly's in the bottle.
    4.Forth thing you do you rip the lily pad and put in the
    5.Fith one put the water in the bottle
    6.sixed one drink the potion.

  20. How to turn a child into a frog

    1. some slimy frog skin,
    2 .half a cup of sticky rats blood,
    3. a handful of flies,
    4. half a pint of dog slobber and
    5. a tiny piece of magic.


    1. lay the frog skin out,
    2. mix the flies and blood and spread onto the skin,
    3. put the dog slobber onto top of the fly and blood mixture,
    4. roll up the skin into a wrap,
    5. cook in a frying pan for two minutes on each side.
    6. sprinkle the piece of magic before serving,
    7. serve to the person after a nap they will be a red frog.

  21. How to turn a child into a frog.

    1- A squirt of snail slime
    2- two handfuls of green grass
    3- five big black beetles
    4- and a pinch of cats claws

    1- place all ingredients into a Coldren and stir
    2- boil for 10 minutes
    3- turn around three times and touch your toes
    4- tap the Coldren 10 times
    5- then say "Jayden is the best".
    6- drink all with in an hour

  22. How to turn a person into a frog

    A jar full of 36 flies
    green paint
    slug slime
    dew drop(from a spiders web)
    frog burp

    1)Drop the last 3 ingredients into a bowl.
    2)Stir the ingredients quickly
    3)After 30 mins, leave the mixture in the sun
    4)Eat all flies in one gulp.(Make sure none fly off!)
    5)The next day, take the mixture out from the sun.
    6)Paint the mixture all green.
    7)Drink your potion.
    8)After a hour, listen carefully to your croaking noise.


  23. how to turn a child to a frog

    1)get some flies and a stick.
    2) get a blanket.

    What to do:
    1)put lots of flies in his mouth.
    2) put the blanket on the boy.
    3)then tap the boy with the stick.
    4)take the blanket off the you will see a frog with hair.

