Friday 17 March 2017

Home task due Friday 24th March 2017

Home task due Friday 24th March 2017
Home task due Friday 24th March 2017

This week we have been learning about the Anglo Saxons and also instruction writing. As part of this we have looked at a board game called 'Fox and Geese' (shown below). Your task this week is to write a set of instructions for how to play the game. We have learnt the rules and played the game in class so now you need to turn these into a set of written instructions. You have all been given a copy of the game to play at home while you make your instructions.


  1. How to play the Anglo Saxon game:
    How to play:
    1. Set up the game.
    2. Put the geese on g and the fox on f.
    3. Geese start.
    4. Then it is the foxes turn.
    5. You can only move one step at a time.
    6. If a goose is near the fox and there is nothing next to it the goose can die.
    7. To trap a fox there should only be one square ad that is where the fox is standing
    8. There are 13 geese and there is only 1 fox.
    9. Although a goose cannot eat the fox, it can trap it.
    10. The aim for the fox is to kill the geese.
    11. The aim for the geese is to trap the fox.

    1. How to play the Anglo Saxon game:
      How to play:
      1. Set up the game.
      2. Put the geese on g and the fox on f.
      3. Geese start.
      4. Then it is the foxes turn.
      5. You can only move one step at a time.
      6. If a goose is near the fox and there is nothing next to it the goose can die.
      7. To trap a fox there should only be one square ad that is where the fox is standing
      8. There are 13 geese and there is only 1 fox.
      9. Although a goose cannot eat the fox, it can trap it.
      10. The aim for the fox is to kill the geese.
      11. The aim for the geese is to trap the fox.

    2. 18 March 2017 at 18:51

      This was written by Sanchita

  2. How to play a board game!"

    So,some one is a fox and some one is the gees.But watch out
    fox!" because there are so so meny geese's.
    So if the fox eats the gees then the fox wins
    and if the geese's make a circle or some thing else around the fox then the gees are the winers.And i forgot to say that the gees are white and the fox is brown!"it's not realy hard to play this game at all and this is a easy game to play for me.I think for you it's easy to play,i love this game.

    from Ksenia

  3. 1. Cut out the geese and fox,
    2. Place the fox on the F and geese on the G,
    3. Move the geese forward,
    4. Move the fox,
    5. Keep moving the geese and fox until the geese trap the fox or the fox eats all the geese by jumping over them.

    The fox and geese can only move 1 square at a time and can’t move diagonally. If the geese trap the fox the geese win if the fox eats all the geese the fox wins.

  4. To play the "Taefl board game" you need to read this set of instructions.

    1. Cut out the geese's and fox.
    2. Put them on the marked squares on the game board, where "g" is for geese's and "f" is for fox.
    3. Toss a coin to decide who will be the fox and who will be te geese's.
    4. The geese goes first, then the fox.
    5. They can both move forwards, backwards and sideways but not diagonally.
    6. The fox may catch the geese's by jumping over them into an empty square, then the geese is off the game board.
    7. When two geese's are left on the game board, the fox won but when the fox is trapped by the geese's then they won.

    Have fun.

  5. How to play fox and Geese

    1. First cut out all the counters at the bottom.
    2. Next put the geese on the squares marked 'g' and the fox on the square marked 'f'.
    3. It is a two player game. One player moves the fox and the other player moves the geese.
    4. The player who chooses the geese must go first.
    5. The player can only move up, down or sideways.
    6. The geese can only move one square per turn
    7. You can not move diagonally.(This is cheating)
    8. The fox can jump one square if it eats a goose.Then that goose will go out of the game.
    9. If all of the geese are eaten by the fox the fox wins.
    10. If the geese trap the fox in the corner the geese wins.

    By Neha

  6. How to play.

    1) Cut out all the pieces of the fox and geese.

    2) Put all the geese pieces on "G" and the one piece of fox piece on "F".


    1) Remember geese always goes first,

    2) If the fox was behind the goose and there was a space in front of the goose , the fox can go on the goose and eat it. If another goose was in front of it that means that fox can't get the goose.

    3. You can only move one square each turn.

    4. You can go forwards, backwards or sideways but you can't go diagonally,

    5. The goose can only win if the goose blocks the fox and the fox can only win if it eats all the geese.

  7. Avish

    Instructions for Taefl Board Game:
    This is a two player game. One person has to be the fox and one person has to be the geese.

    1.Cut out the counters.

    2.Place all the geese on the g.

    3.Put the fox on the f.

    4.The geese have to start the game by moving one box up, down, left or right.You are not allowed to move diagonal.

    5.The fox has to eat the geese.

    6. The fox has to jump over the geese into the next empty box to eat the geese. If the geese gets eaten it is out of the game.

    7. If the geese get away from the fox, off the board, that means the geese have won or the game finishes when all the geese are eaten by the fox.

  8. Instructions:
    1.The Fox has to be placed one box above the middle box.
    2.The Geese have to be placed opposite the Fox in a row.
    3.You can only move up and down or left and right but not diagonal.
    4.If the Fox is surrounded in a corner with no way to move the Geese win.
    5.When the fox is left with two Geese he automaticly win

    Main point of the game is for the Fox to eat all the Geese and for the Geese to try get to the other side and surround the Fox.
    By Patrick

  9. 1. Pick who is going to be the fox and the goose.
    2. The aim of the game is for either the fox to eat all the geese or for the geese to trap the fox.
    3. The fox has to jump over a goose to eat another goose but only if there is an empty square.
    4. The geese have to surround the fox and trap him while avoiding being eaten.

  10. first, cut out all of the Geese and fox
    Next, Place all of you geese on the G place the fox on the F

    .Geese start

    If the geese trap you then the geese win and the fox loses

  11. 1. The game is played between two player.
    2. One player moves the fox while other controls the gaggle of geese.
    3. They are allowed to move non- diagonally.
    4. The geese player move first and then play alternates between the players.
    5. The geese push the fox into a corner, while avoiding being eaten.
    6. The fox can eat the geese by jumping over it to an empty box. The fox wins if he eat all the geese.
    7. The geese wins if they trap the fox.


  12. you first place all the geese on g and the fox on f
    the geese move first they can move vertical and horistel but cant move diagonal
    then the fox move it can jump over five geese if there is space between them if he gets them all he wins but if the geese corner him they win

  13. 1. Two people can play this game at a time.
    2. Only one person can be the fox,the other is the geese.
    3. Cut out the geese and fox.
    4. Put the fox on the f,and the geese on the g.
    5. You can not go diagonal,while you can go left or right the fox can jump over a geese if there is a space after.
    6. The geese can not eat the fox.
    7. The geese can win by trapping the fox.
    8. Take turns until the fox has eaten the geese or the fox gets trapped by the geese.

  14. This game is played by two players
    1.firstly place both animals on the letter their name begins with and the animals are geese and fox.
    2.The geese move first then the fox.
    3.You can only move side ways or down you can not move a cross.
    4.If the geese is next to the fox the fox eats the geese.
    5.If the geese traps the fox in any corner the geese wins.

  15. 1- First you cut the geese and the fox out.
    2- Put the geese on the G squares and put the fox on the F Square.
    3- only move one square at a time up, down, left or
    The aim of the game is for the fox to eat up all of the geese by jumping over them with an empty square to land on. Or the geese to corner the fox on all sides.
    Whoever does this first wins.
