Sunday 5 March 2017

Homework due 10th March

Homework due 10th March

Your homework this week is to write a paragraph for each picture explaining what has happened to make them react like this. 

Try to use SHOW not tell sentences to imply how the person is feeling.

Image result for angry person cartoon  Related image


  1. I think that in the first picture the man is angry because steam is coming out of his ears.You can also see that he is
    angry because he has clenched fists and has raised eye brows.

    He is angry because he has caught his children watching television and he has warned his children that television is
    bad for their eyes.

    I think the boy is scared because he haS just seen a ghost fly past him slowly. I know he is scared as his eyes are like goldfish and his mouth is wide open as if he is screaming for his mummy to come and save him.

    By Neha

  2. Teacher: Rage burning inside. Steam coming out of his ears. His fists clenched tight ready to punch something. Feet stuck to the ground as if he was going to fall through.
    Boy: His eyes wide open with disbelief. Jaw dropped to the ground. Heart beating faster and faster. Legs shaking wanting to go toilet.

  3. His jaw dropped. His eyes bulged as he saw a boy holding the fresh bread roll and sensational seafood cocktail and exchanging it for a bar of chocolate.

    His ears steamed like a kettle. His hair stood up straight and his teeth and fists were clenched because he got fired from a really good job.

  4. In chatsworth primary school a teacher could Mr Magica was a special
    and magical teacher he was the best teacher in the world,but no one
    knew that Mr Magica was a magical man, and a special man
    but he was a really happy man because he was leting the children be first at lunch or break time.
    One day a new teacher came and she was rood
    to Mr Magica. Mr Magica was SHOKED!"because the new teacher came
    but now she destroyed every thing, but now everyone likes her
    but only one person likes me THATS ANFAIR!"shouted the children
    because they did not know who to pick, they think and think but they
    stil do not know.

    Than a new boy came his name was Michail he was the best listner
    ever.he has cerculed glases,golden and curled hair.
    When he saw Mr Magica angry he ran and cpouled the o.ther teacher
    from the reception she sorted every thing,than the children were
    HAPPY!"because the problem was solved.

  5. Avish


    The man is furious. His fists are clinched together and there are steam coming out from his ears. He is standing like he is going to explode. His hair is standing straight up, like it is going to shoot off like a rocket. His eyes are scrunched together and his mouth is in a bow shape.

    picture 2/part2

    The boy looked shocked because his little mouth is open wide and you can see the back of his throat.Also his eyes are crossed. His face is red and his hands are spread out.

  6. I think, John had steam coming out of his ears because his brand new Iphone fall out of his pocket and broke into little pieces, when he was running as fast as he could to catch a train to go to work. And he knew his boss will be so angry. If he would be a minute late.

    I think, Rob's eyes are wide open because at lunch break his friend Arron had an fantastic idea to eat 15 chocolate bars. So they had a go abut the dinner lady took it of them.

  7. 1. The children whet to the school dinner hall and they did not like what they were eating for dinner so they threw it on the floor. The head teacher came and he was furious and shouted angrily "what is happing? Clean it up immediately ! " Then , with a red angry face , he yelled " you are all in detention for the rest of the day!".

    2.Charli loves sport cars . On the morning of his eighth birthday, Charlie's mum woke him up and told him to get dresssd. They got in the car and she put a blindfold on him. They drove for 20 minutes. Charli had no idea they were going. Then they stoped and Charles mum led him into a big shop then they rook the blindfold off and to his shock amazment , he was standing in front of a "super car show "full of his favourite cars. Charli was overjoyed and believe his eyes!

  8. Subhan

    The man looked mad. Steam was hotter than barbeque his teeth was grinning louder than a fouroshus beast his hand was crumbild up he was angrier than bull he was violent and acrimounius also he looked rankling.
    The boys gaues dropped of his maot wide open

  9. 1. The angry man:
    He looked so angry. He has steam coming out of his ears and his fists are really tight. That is because he was a bad teacher and he was fired. I think he wasn't good enough and he wasn't teaching children the right things.

    2. The shocked boy:
    The boy was shocked because the angry teacher was fired. His jaw dropped, and his eyes were wide opened. He couldn't believe because the fired teacher was his favorite teacher.

  10. he has come to school and sees them not doing the job .He shout at them for not doining there there job .He is fed up /tierd like he is going to burst out of a ballon . steam is coming out of his ear like is bursting out of a shark he is mad fustrated moldurous man his hear is stiking up like he is about to launch he is clenching his fists his eyes blazing red full of anger and fustraton. he is going to strike he is chasing the porr children

    the shooked boy is frozen on the spot he is not going to there to move he isouter struck

  11. In the first picture it is shown that the man is clenching his pale white knuckled fists together. He is grinding his teeth. Smoke came out of his ears. The man raised one of his brown bushy eye brows as his smouldering eyes nearly popped out gave a and his hair stood straight on his head as though pulled by a magnetic force.

    In the second picture it is shown that the boy’s jaw dropped. The boy gawked his mouth gapped open. His eyes bulged out as his eye brows rose a notch he could not even blink his eye brows for at least a minute or two. He could not believe what his eyes saw. His orange curly hair stood on his head. With bated breath, he kept staring at the…!

  12. 1.
    The man's teeths are grinding together and his fists are clenched and it looks like steam is coming out of the man's ears his eye brows are raised has hair like a statue and even his body is like a statue.
    The little boy looks shock and he looks very upset he has curly hair eyes open wide jaws almost dropping and hands are down mouth open wide he has small tiny hands he looks very scared

  13. The angry man had steam coming out of his hairy ears because maybe his son played video games for 8 hours a day .

    The little lonely boy his friends make fun of his big fat hair coming out of his bold head what is on top of his brain.


  14. The Angry Man
    The evil man was enraged, because he got kicked out by his boss. He was soo angry that his fists scrunched up like a piece of paper. He had steam shooting out of his slightly bent ears! His hair flying up towards the ceiling. He’s got so upset he does not know his trousers are falling down! Watch out guys, I think he is going to pop.

    The shocked little boy
    The tiny child stood there with his mouth gaping, shocked at the terrible site of his toys breaking. His are wide and I think he may cry because of terrible sight.

  15. Picture 1: The person has fire coming out of his ears like hot kettle with a fire breathing dragon burning and a steam train whistling out of the nose. Also burning and unpleasant frown on face.

    Picture 2: The persons jaw dropped as he saw the ginormous, gigantic golden statue. His eyes widen open just like he woke up his mind concentrating on the golden statue and were ever he went he still looked at the statue.

  16. Nidhi

    1. One day we were in the classroom, there was no teacher, we all were impish and class was in mess. Papers and tools were all around. Suddenly there were slump on the door. We all sat down quietly. Our head teacher with red face and hands on her hip she yelled at us .She was really abysmal and clenching her jaws, she gave us detention for lunch break to whole class.

    2. We were on our trekking trip suddenly; our eyes pop out as we saw slimy worms’, massive spiders in our path. We turned around, our hair raised up when we saw the nasty fairy. We screamed, “help! help! help!”. We all smashed on our forehead and uttered, “Why did we choose this path for trekking?”

  17. The man was red in the face. He clenched his fists. His eyebrows were pointed towards his hot, red and raging eyes. He was MAD! he had a dash of grey steam flying along his ears.

    The boy was petrified. He froze. The tremendous intimidating boss fired him. His tear rolled down his cheek and his pupils were as small as a mouse. He sat there crying with a sad face. His heart was broken.


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  19. His teeth were grinding together with such force it made steamy smoke come out of his enormous ears. His hands were made into tightly clenched fists. His huge eyebrows were about to fly off his face. His hair was standing on end as if he had just woken up.

    His eyes were just as large as an owls, its as if he has just seen a ghost!
    He stood in terror as he had just witnessed his pet ants killing his sisters pet dog. He looked down at his pants and by surprise he saw a puddle where he was standing what had happened...

    from Callum

  20. picture 1 : You can tell that the man was angry because smoke is coming out of his ears.The mans hands where clenching his hands together and the mans hair was strait facing up.The mans legs where together how angry he was his eye balls nearly popped out.

    picture 2:The little boy is shocked as you could see from his face.The boy also has a jaw-drop on his face and his hands are out like he was surprised.the boy also might be sad because like if he saw that older children where bullying his friends.Then he would of felt sorry for his friends that they got bullied by other older children.

  21. 1) A man went to a shop and he noticed that the butter for the cake was gone. His teeth rattled, smoky, black, dusty steam came out of his ears, his fists clenched . He was breathing heavily in rage, his hair went up and his eyebrows went down.
    2) A boy was standing with his eyes frozen on something. His arms dropped , his mouth was wide open. He looked in horror. He stood straight as a silent soldier when he saw a surreal Tyrannosaurus at the museum.

  22. This is Mr Springer, right now he has never been so furious in his life. Steam is bursting out of his ears like a steam engine, his teeth are grinding together and getting smaller and smaller by the second, and his nails are digging into his palms because he's clenching them so tightly. All because of this stupid little boy Jimmy who's been playing pranks on him all week, and this was the last straw!

    Jimmy has just been screamed at by Mr Springer. His face is almost as bright as his ginger hair. His mouth open, and ready to catch flies, and to top it off he has just wet his pants.

  23. 1. The angry man.Steam is coming out of his ears.He has clenched fists and has raised eye brows.His hands stick together.Becuse,he has penalty notice.

    2. The shocked boy.H
    His eyes were wide opened because he was shoked when he saw a new house.
