Friday 20 January 2017

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As a new way of getting everyone to start checking their own work. Everyone should write a star and a wish on someone else's work to show what is great about the piece of work and what can be improved.

Just hit the reply button under someone's comment to then add your feedback.

You can set it out as simply as:

Star: You have used amazing adjectives that I am going to use in my own work.
Wish: I have noticed a couple of spelling mistakes in some tricky words. Can you spot them?

Thank you.

Mr Openshaw 


  1. What is Fairtrade?

    Feirtraid is a simple yet
    important idea-it's all
    about giving people who produce
    the things you buy a fair
    price for their work.It is in Dominican Republic.
    This may seem obvious,but
    lots of people in poorer countries
    have sell there goods at prices so low
    that they can't make a decend living.

    1. Wish spelling star punctuation

    2. Star: you explained fairtrade really good
      Wish: there is a spelling mistake in the first sentence, "Feirtraid" thats wrong spelling.

    3. Star: You have included a lot of interesting information that I will include in my own work.

      Wish: I have noticed a spelling mistake in the first sentence. Can you spot them?

    4. star: You included good description about fair trade.

      wish: You could include more punctuation.

  2. When Sid set for school one day, a happy feeling came his way.It filled up so much he found his paw just lifted of
    the ground.Without a how, without a why, sid fell up towards
    the sky. Through swireling cloud he twirled above
    a town world in the land of sun and moon.

  3. What is fair trade?

    Fair trade is a way of buying and selling products that allows the farmers to be paid a fair price for there produce and have better working conditions. The fair trade mark was introduced in 1994, it is a symbol awarded to a product that are sold under certain fair-trading conditions.

    by soleiman

  4. star: You used good detail and information!
    wish: use more adjectives about what Fairtrade is.
