Friday 6 January 2017

Friday, 6 January 2017

Blogging homework due Friday, 13th January

Blogging homework due Friday, 13th January

This week we have been learning about persuasive language. We enjoyed debating some interesting topics in class! Have a look at the statements below:



Which statement do you agree with? Please can you write a persuasive paragraph that will convince the reader to agree with you.

Maybe you could include:

-Persuasive sentence starters (Surely you agree that.......Everybody knows that.....)
-Rhetorical questions (How would you feel if......? Don't you think that......?)
- Conjunctions to add points to your argument (In addition, furthermore, also, another reason is....)
- Good reasons to back up your argument


  1. Why television is good for you:
    Some tv shows can educate,inform and inspire. Children who watch educational programmes including,blue Peter,cooking,art attack and newsround tend to do well in school.TV can be fun for everyone, no matter what age you are.
    These are the reasons why I think TV is good for children.

    1. Can you improve your writing by adding in a rhetorical question?

    2. Stars: good use of vocabulary. Also I like your verbs: educate, inform and inspire.
      Wish: can you use more adjectives?

  2. Surely watching TV has both pros and cons to it. On one hand watching informative and educational programmes can help children acquire knowledge and gain awareness, but on the other hand it can become a habit and make your reading and writing very poor. It can make extreme difficulty to avoid watching TV. The good thing about watching TV is that you can know some of the latest events and watch it on TV.

    1. A good even account Sheza, can you change it to only argue for one side?

    2. Thank you and yes I will keep it a one side arguement

  3. Work 1 Watching television is bad for children because if you mum and dad are watching there might be bad words. But why would they watch a program that had bad words when you are in the room? Also why television is bad for children because if they get to close they might get blinded!!!A another reason is that if you have a very big TV you could get blinded any day which is not good at all.

    1. Look carefully at your determiners. (a, an and the) You have used one in the wrong place. Can you find it?

    2. good argumentive word and explaining reason carefully .you could change your but is but ment to be at the sat of a sentance . could you make more deatil

  4. I strongly belive that watching television is good for children. Am sure you'll agree.
    Television is good for children because it is funny and it has interesting programmes . Watching funny programmes makes me happy and makes me laugh, interesting programmes teach you cool things.
    In addition the television shows you movies, clips and current news around the world, watching news helps you to learn more. Another reason is that the television has good music, and you can play games on it ,also you can play Cd's .
    I truly believe that watching television is good for children.

    1. 'Am sure you agree' should begin with 'I'.
      Can you add in a rhetorical question?

    2. I agree with your points Alison and like your vocabulary, but how do you play cd's on your television? Also you forgot to put an I at the beginning of one of your sentences.

  5. Im sure you agree that watching television is bad for children. Don't you think that children and adults who sit in front of the television for hours waste their time quality, family time? It would be better to play board games or go for a walk all together. Furthermore children watching television without a limit, have no time to read books and learn. In addition watching television can became an addiction and children won't know what to do with out it. Everybody, children and adults should know the limit of time they can spend on watching television and other social medias.

    1. 'Don't you think that children and adults who sit in front of the television for hours waste their time quality, family time.' Can you spot the mistake in this sentence? (Clue - look for a repeated word)

    2. Yes, I can spot the mistake. The repeated word is 'time'.
      'Don't you think that children and adults who sit in front of the television for hours waste their quality, family time.'

  6. Watching TV is bad for you.
    Surely you agree that watching TV is bad for you because what if your mum and dad was watching TV, some movie can have some bad words in it.
    When you are too close and watching TV a lot, you might get a pair of glasses, so this is also another point why TV is bad for you.
    In addition, I'm sure you would agree that parents would not like it when children start to learn bad manners by watching bad programmes.
    Also when a child is watching TV and doing their homework , the child might get distracted and not do their homework on time.

  7. Watching tv is bad for you.

    1.As we all know watching tv is bad for your eye sight and could lead you to having glasses.
    2.Iam sure you would agree with me that watching tv is addictive, In addition kids tend to want to watch tv past their bed time which makes them to go sleep late and waking up tired not ready for school.
    3.Everybody knows the first thing a kid does when they get back home from school is watch tv and leaves them with no time for their homework.
    4.Watching tv regulary could lead to developing bad behaviour presented on tv which isn't reality.
    5.Watching tv regularly develops bad habits of using bad words which are not for children to say.

    1. Can you add in a rhetorical question?

    2. Do you want to pay for tv licence? without the tv you can put the money to better use.

  8. Watching television is bad for us.
    Surely you agree that watching television is bad for all of us. My opinion is that there is only one reason why television exists, and that is to sell products. Television is designed to make you feel bad so you will buy products to make you feel better. Every hour you spend in front of the Tv is another hour you are not making the most of your life.
    Don't you think that when you're watching Tv you're not doing anything else and you're wasting your time?
    This time that could be spent with your family,friends or relaxing in other way.
    We get one life and it's up to us tho make the most of it.
    It's time to stop watching television and start living instead.

    1. 'Don't you think that when you're watching Tv you're not doing anything else and you're wasting your time?
      This time that could be spent with your family,friends or relaxing in other way.
      We get one life and it's up to us tho make the most of it'
      You have made two typing errors, can you find them? (Clue - one is a spelling and the other is about a capital letter.)

  9. So far I have read some amazing persuasive arguments!
    Some were so good I struggled to even find a way to improve them. Try and go back and make any changes to your argument.
    Also, look at another persons work and find two good things about it and post it so everyone know the hard work you have all put into this!

  10. I think watching TV is bad for children's eye sight.If they wear write in front of the TV it wast's time of your homework. If your really addicted to the TV it would distract you from learning. It will make you have glasses.

    You should watch TV because if it rains and you didn't have a umbrella you would be wet if you forgot the weather. Watching TV is
    good! because some programs could be religious that is important that you need to learn.

    1. A good argument Enesa, You have a spelling mistake and also the wrong use of an 'A' or an 'An' Can you find the mistakes?

  11. I think watching television is good for children.
    I am sure you will agree that television is good for children because it has a lot of information and facts.
    Everybody knows that watching some programs makes them laugh and
    In addition,if children will watch too much television their eyes will get tired and can get damaged.
    Maybe your child can get scared if they watch a scary program.

    1. Stars: I like the way you have used some interesting conjunctions.
      I also like the way you have said one good thing about it and one bad thing about it.

  12. watching television is bad for children!

    Everybody knows that watching TV is bad for kids because kids don't listen their parents and sit too close to the TV, that means it damages their eyes. Do you want your kids to be too close to the TV?

    If kids watch too much TV it can lead to bad behaviour and they can start to use bad words. By the way if kids watch TV you could waste quality family time.

    In addition watching TV is good for children too because you can learn new things and you can get inspired by it. Some TV show can educate children such as cbbc news round.

    1. 'In addition watching TV is good for children' In this sentence you have missed a comma where your conjunction moved to the beginning of the sentence.

  13. Watching TV is good for children

    I'm sure that you will agree that watching TV is good for children because if you watch something interesting then you can learn something brand new. Don't you think that watching TV is good because if you are bored you can watch a movie.

    Watching TV is bad for children

    I believe that watching TV is bad for children because if you watch too much or to close to the TV you'er eyes might hurt that's why.


    1. Which argument do you think is the most persuasive and why?

  14. What dose TV means???

    TV is not too good for children.
    In my opinion a child would have more to read,
    reading develops the memory,vacabulary and fantasy.
    Everybody knous that when we wach TV
    we lose many beautiful moments of ouer
    real life.Another reason is that a chiled doesn't need
    news and commercials,he needs to play,
    many friends, communicate with new people and
    physical development(dance,football,swimming etc.).
    Don't you think that it's better to spent time with family
    walk than sit motionless as a robot in front of TV?

    FROM KSENIA!!!!!!!!!!

    1. does, vocabulary, knows, watch, our, child are all misspelt. can you correct them in your writing.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    There is a big debate about if watching T.V is good or bad for children. Personally I believe spending most of their time watching television is extremely bad.
    How would you feel after spending most of your time glued to the T.V screen? Definitely it could cause damage to your eyes. In addition to this, you might find bad words and violence.
    Furthermore, it makes you lazy which can lead you to being obese and you won’t be able to build any useful skill.

  17. Ayesha, Television is bad for children.
    Television is very bad because it waste time and its bad for eyes, also watching television takes away the time that your
    child needs to develop important skills like language and social skills.Children how watch a lot of TV have trouble paying attention to teachers.

    1. use your conjunction 'because' to explain your reasons more.

  18. Subhan

    Watching TV is good to watch because you can learn important information for there longwings. Watching TV is good to watch but not that much because it can give you eye blinding. Watching TV can give you amazing idlers.

    1. When writing persuasive writing make sure you don't argue for both sides. You should only argue for the reasons you think.

  19. Everybody knows that watching T.V is bad.
    T.V is bad because if some one pressies the R button,it records something and it might have a rude picture or have bad language. Although some programmes like 'you been framed' people might hit and kick each other and children could copy them.

  20. Watching TV is NOT good!
    Surely you agree that watching TV is not a good deed. You spend an hour watching TV where as you could try to learn a new activity. Why do little children watch TV? In all that time you could spend some time with your friends and family. If we don't stop watching TV then all your life was full of was watching TV. It is time to stop and try some new activities.


    1. You say a lot of reasons why watching T.V is bad but can you explain why in more detail.

  21. Watching television is not good for children.
    First of all it's a waste of time and it makes a person very lazy that people don't feel like doing any work.Your eyes may get damaged of watching a lot of tv.There are blue rays coming from tv which is not good for your eyes so in that way you have a chance of getting spectacles.Instead of sitting for hours in front of tv you can spend the quality time with your family and friends.

    1. You say a lot of reasons why watching T.V is bad but can you explain why in more detail. use your 'because' conjunction.

  22. Surely you would agree that everybody watches TV, no matter how much they say it is bad for you. Whether you watch a family movie like Jumanji or Earth to echo, or an exercise DVD like insanity or yoga, or cooking shows like Masterchef Junior, will you all watch it.
    Furthermore, don't you think that we all need to have a balance in our lives? I am not allowed to play my PS4 until I have done my homework and chores. Also I don't ever hear bad language on television because I'm in bed by 830.
    Another reason is that there are lots of people that like to watch sports like rugby and football, but can't afford to buy tickets to see it, so they watch it in their own homes.

  23. Nidhi

    Firstly , with the omnipresence of TV, It is possible to keep children away from it?

    They squander too much of time in watching TV and watching wrong channels which has negative influence on them.

    Are they suppose to watch TV?

    Watching too much of TV can lead to an Overweight .

    Spending too much of time in front of an screen is very bad because you can have a headache and it is not good for eye sight.

    Furthermore it can make them lazy and inattentive in class too. It also deteriorate the writing and reading skills.

    So Don't you think that watching television is really wasting energy and time in wrong deed?

    1. What does omnipresence and squander mean? These are words that are very tricky!
